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  1. Citizen87645

    Kickstart my heart <3

    This could be a college drum circle game changer (who says those types aren't motivated?).
  2. Citizen87645

    Kickstart my heart <3

    I understand not liking bulky wallets - it's the reason I use what I do. But the CLIPP is just poorly conceived.
  3. Citizen87645

    Kickstart my heart <3

    Put an end to Pocket Bulk by creating Belt Bulk AKA Disproportionate Belt Buckle Syndrome. I can't remember the last time I wore a belt.
  4. Citizen87645

    Kickstart my heart <3

    That's likely true, but it's also not unusual for a product or service to be used differently from what its creators originally envisioned (or even how the majority of users use it). If it's a true violation (e.g. raising money to pay for something illegal), then there's the terms of service to...
  5. Citizen87645

    Kickstart my heart <3

    Can you refer me to a good head examiner?
  6. Citizen87645

    Kickstart my heart <3

    The HDHomeRun DVR
  7. Citizen87645

    Kickstart my heart <3

    And Pogue's follow up to audiophile complaints about the test:
  8. Citizen87645

    Kickstart my heart <3

    David Pogue doesn't really cater to the "philes' in most cases, but it's interesting he did a comparison test.
  9. Citizen87645

    Kickstart my heart <3

    For you action figure collectors. I'm interested mainly because I love Gene Yang's work and...Asian American super hero!
  10. Citizen87645

    Kickstart my heart <3

    All the ones I've funded have fulfilled their commitments so far.
  11. Citizen87645

    Kickstart my heart <3

    Yeah, I got that covered after the Sony PSN breach.
  12. Citizen87645

    Kickstart my heart <3

    Since I haven't funded anything in awhile, and all past campaigns have sent me my stuff, I just deleted my account and disconnected my Facebook tie until something else presents itself.
  13. Citizen87645

    Kickstart my heart <3

    That's indeed sad. In better news, the Kickstarter for my local arthouse cinema that I linked to was fully funded, and exceeded its goal by $12,000!
  14. Citizen87645

    Kickstart my heart <3

    They aren't doing too badly with 19 days left, though their support may have plateaued. There's potential, being in a college town and being just off campus, they can tap into some the alumni nostalgia for the place.
  15. Citizen87645

    Kickstart my heart <3

    Thought I'd put a plug in for my local art house cinema looking to convert to digital.