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  1. Chris Atkins

    New STAR WARS film coming to theaters August 15, 2008

    I think everyone knows that I love and defend the PT. These are just suggestions that, IMHO, would have made the PT even better.
  2. Chris Atkins

    New STAR WARS film coming to theaters August 15, 2008

    It wouldn't have even been that difficult: have Dooku as a dissenting voice on the Jedi Council, objecting to the Republic's inaction over the trade dispute, etc. Then, at the end, have Dooku leave the Jedi Order, frustrated and angry over Qui-Gon's death, etc. Perfect setup for Dooku's role in...
  3. Chris Atkins

    New STAR WARS film coming to theaters August 15, 2008

    Even better would have been to kill Maul as planned, but have Dooku feature as a character in TPM, perhaps as someone who questions whether the Republic was on the right side of the trade dispute, etc.
  4. Chris Atkins

    New STAR WARS film coming to theaters August 15, 2008

    Best trailer I've seen. And, as a huge fan of the Y-Wing starfighter, loved to see that they will be featured in the series (although it looked like it could be a slight precursor to the Y-Wings features in ANH)!
  5. Chris Atkins

    New STAR WARS film coming to theaters August 15, 2008

    I don't have an issue with their dialect or design, just the fact that their mouths didn't work right. I also didn't have a real issue with the pod race announcer, at least in concept. The execution could have been better, of course. I think the pod race announcer is another example of Lucas...
  6. Chris Atkins

    New STAR WARS film coming to theaters August 15, 2008

    The Neimoidians...geesh, thanks for reminding me. I mean, Lucas really missed a great opportunity here: if he'd just sub-titled them and given them a really cool sounding dialect, they'd be completely different characters. But, instead we get real mechanical moving mouths, when CG would...
  7. Chris Atkins

    New STAR WARS film coming to theaters August 15, 2008

    Do you know if the "movie" will be on Blu-ray/DVD before then, or will they re-air it on October 3?
  8. Chris Atkins

    New STAR WARS film coming to theaters August 15, 2008

    H: I knew two things after reading his opening paragraphs: 1. That he wouldn't like the film. 2. That his review wouldnt be worth reading. Thanks for confirming both of those things for me.
  9. Chris Atkins

    New STAR WARS film coming to theaters August 15, 2008

    Because he's not reviewing the film, he's reviewing (and taking a side in) the culture's view of the recent Star Wars films, which has nothing to do with the movie.
  10. Chris Atkins

    New STAR WARS film coming to theaters August 15, 2008

    Two things: 1. I am not sure I will see this in the theater. Which is pretty tough for me to say. But I just haven't been all that excited about what I've seen in the clips. 2. The MSNBC review, I just stopped reading after the first three paragraphs. I mean, after that opening, what...
  11. Chris Atkins

    New STAR WARS film coming to theaters August 15, 2008

    Good NY Times Article on Clone Wars, Lucas, and Star Wars in general:
  12. Chris Atkins

    New STAR WARS film coming to theaters August 15, 2008

    Cool poster! Never underestimate Star Wars, but unless this is really fantastic I don't see it doing more than $100M at the box office (domestic).
  13. Chris Atkins

    New STAR WARS film coming to theaters August 15, 2008

    Didn't Lucas say he wanted to direct the small, experimental projects? And didn't he say this while also saying that Lucasfilm was prepping the new animated series? Lucas isn't directing this film, and he may not even have a writing credit. My understanding was that he got a bunch of...