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  1. Chris Atkins

    Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End (2007)

    Ditto. Like you, I didn't really care for AWE but liked the wedding scene.
  2. Chris Atkins

    Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End (2007)

    Just goes to show there's no accounting for taste; I enjoyed the wedding scene and thought it livened up that last action set piece.
  3. Chris Atkins

    Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End (2007)

    I would like to see Pirates 3 again, not so with Spidey 3, so I am there with you on that. And, I do agree that this has been great work by ILM. Just as good as anything in the PT or LOTR. I wouldn't say it's better than either, though, especially since I enjoy the films in the other two...
  4. Chris Atkins

    Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End (2007)

    Cory: There is a good, core story somewhere in the 5 hours (!) of footage that we saw in the two sequels. The problem is that the story they did show us was very undisciplined for a 5 hour story and it opened up too many plot threads that didn't get a payoff. For example, take the Kraken...
  5. Chris Atkins

    Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End (2007)

    I agree that what we got, in the end, was pretty spectacular. It just didn't really pay off what they set up earlier, and it could have been even better as is. :)
  6. Chris Atkins

    Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End (2007)

    Even if I grant you that the film set this "war against the pirates" thread up effectively with the first scene, where was the pay off? When did we get to see the British/EIC wage war against the pirates? At the end all we see are three ships fighting each other, while two armadas just watch...
  7. Chris Atkins

    Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End (2007)

    Yeah, that would have been good too.
  8. Chris Atkins

    Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End (2007)

    Cory: Actually, I had a problem with the "Hoist the Colours" thing too. The movie starts with them singing the song, and it's obviously supposed to be dramatic, but there was no dramatic weight there for me because I didn't know that this was a pivotal moment...I had to be told that it was a...
  9. Chris Atkins

    Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End (2007)

    Some of the plot lines weren't even introduced until AWE, though, such as the Pirate Lords, Pirate King, etc. Imagine how much better the end of DMC would have been if we would have known that Jack was a pirate lord and that one of the reasons they needed to rescue him was to free calypso...
  10. Chris Atkins

    Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End (2007)

    I have the same feeling toward DMC that a lot of people expressed toward TPM--i.e. good ideas but bad execution. My criticisms have always been focused on the script and Seth mentioned, the movie lacks focus--particularly early in the film--and it never gives you a chance to...