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  1. Chip_HT

    Buffy: Season 7 or... When will Fox stop spoiling the series?

    Very simple. The Beast, and later Jasmine could have been made to be agents of the First, who is looking to take out the two biggest champions in that area of the world. Because, basically, the biggest threat to a world conquering evil in the Buffyverse is definitely the stretch between...
  2. Chip_HT

    Buffy: Season 7 or... When will Fox stop spoiling the series?

    On the one hand, I agree, but thinking about it, it did serve a purpose even without being followed up on. After all, it explained why the First was attacking then, instead of doing it during the previous seven years, or even before Buffy even came to Sunnydale. Still, the ball was dropped...
  3. Chip_HT

    Buffy: Season 7 or... When will Fox stop spoiling the series?

    last disc, go to special features, and then keep hitting directional buttons until something pops up. it might be under another menu after SF, though.