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  1. Cees Alons

    what TV shows need to be on DVD?

    Ben, You're right about Shogun the mini-series. It should be on DVD a.s.a.p. But we were given to understand that very unfortunately it was in a poor condition, unsuitable for transfer to DVD. However, if it was possible after all, I would immediately add it to my list as well! Cees
  2. Cees Alons

    what TV shows need to be on DVD?

    Not mentioning the ones already appearing: Battlestar Galactica The Virginian Alias Smith and Jones The Muppets Fraggle Rock Futurama Everything "classic" cartoon-like, Looney Toon Warner (Bugs, Duffy, Speedy, Sylvester, Roadrunner). Mmm, perhaps The Nanny as well... Cees