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  1. Carabimero

    Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (2019) Non-Spoilers!

    What happened to that one was the unflattering drama of what stories to use for 7-9. There was a difference of opinion, it was pretty ugly, to say the least, and the book was scrapped. There were also other unsightly problems with that production in terms of battles over "irrational writing"...
  2. Carabimero

    Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (2019) Non-Spoilers!

    I miss Rinzler's Making Of books. But they had to stop doing those since they can't very well reveal the inside story of how the majority of their Star Wars productions haven't had their acts together...
  3. Carabimero

    Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (2019) Non-Spoilers!

    In an interview in Starlog way way back in the 80s before Lucas ever denied he said he would make 7-9, he described the sequel trilogy as "very ethereal." I don't remember what he said exactly, but it played on Yoda's line that we are luminous beings not made of crude matter. I've always...
  4. Carabimero

    Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (2019) Non-Spoilers!

    The prequel trilogy was more than about filling in the early chapters. It was about changing how movies were shot, finished, and released theatrically. Like the original trilogy before it, the prequel trilogy revolutionized the movie business.
  5. Carabimero

    Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (2019) Non-Spoilers!

    Okay, I don't think we fundamentally disagree on that.
  6. Carabimero

    Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (2019) Non-Spoilers!

    If things were going swimmingly, they would not be taking a hiatus. They are losing millions, arguably billions, taking the hiatus and cancelling films they previously had planned. And the announcement came after the brass screened a cut of ROS. This is the same argument people use to justify...
  7. Carabimero

    Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (2019) Non-Spoilers!

    The trailer would seem to suggest otherwise, as would Disney's hiatus after IX. Also, this is a pro Last Jedi thread, I would say. I know another board with threads that swing the other way. And they're just as sure they're right. Alas, the world is bigger and more complicated than message boards.
  8. Carabimero

    Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (2019) Non-Spoilers!

    If true, that means it was more than a tempest in a teacup, as some have suggested. And that fits with my perspective as someone who hangs out with tons of cosplayers who won't even mention the title of TLJ. For the record, the only reason I brought it up the other day was in response to...
  9. Carabimero

    Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (2019) Non-Spoilers!

    I hope you're right. I agree with Johnson that it should be scraped. But the point I am trying to make is the message this trailer is sending to fans. Whether he damaged the brand or not, this trailer sure sends a signal to me that someone is worried he did.
  10. Carabimero

    Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (2019) Non-Spoilers!

    I'm not sure it matters what we label it. What I want to know is: does the thematic continuity between movies make sense? Abrams treats Luke's light saber like a big deal, with reverence. Johnson first has Luke throw it away, then to make sure, Johnson literally destroys it. Then in the opening...
  11. Carabimero

    Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (2019) Non-Spoilers!

    Asking rational questions where Abrams is concerned is usually like talking to a tree. Why didn't Solo leave BB8 with Chewie at the Falcon instead of taking BB8 to Maz's when everyone in the universe was looking for the droid? Why did Maz shout Han's name and let everyone know he had just walked...
  12. Carabimero

    Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (2019) Non-Spoilers!

    Lando: I just saw Palpatine! Where did he come from? Maz: That's a good question for another time. Lando: But this is episode nine, dude. There is no more time. I'm still waiting to find out where you got Luke's light saber... IMO Abram's idea to make Luke a mystery to Rey was more damaging...
  13. Carabimero

    Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (2019) Non-Spoilers!

    As this frame demonstrates, even early on, Palpatine was already selecting his horcruxes...
  14. Carabimero

    Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (2019) Non-Spoilers!

    One of the reasons I love your posts is because you get structure. I really enjoy that. If Rian Johnson had been able to take a break, have the time he wanted, and direct IX, I think killing Snoke would have been brilliant. Because Johnson has the narrative and structural talent to make it a...
  15. Carabimero

    Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (2019) Non-Spoilers!

    I wasn't clear. I was talking about the narrative vacuum that was left when Snoke went bye bye. That's the problem. It creates disjunctive storytelling. So it doesn't matter if I'm right or not. The vacuum still exists. And now they have to plug it. That's my point.
  16. Carabimero

    Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (2019) Non-Spoilers!

    One of my flaws is I stopped reading the paperbacks. I read them all for many years, then the movies just shat on them and said they weren't canon, so I gave up.
  17. Carabimero

    Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (2019) Non-Spoilers!

    My money says Palpatine is back only because Johnson upset the apple cart when he killed Snoke. With Snoke gone, you need a heavy to defeat in the big climax, so why not bring back Palpatine? "Yeah, great idea. Let's do that." "We'll spill the beans in the trailer so fans can get acclimated to...
  18. Carabimero

    Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (2019) Non-Spoilers!

    Sounds like you both are right. Guess I should watch THE LAST JEDI a second time, huh. :laugh: PS why does everything think bringing back Palpatine was Lucas's idea? Lucas only retreaded when he didn't get something the way he wanted it the first time.
  19. Carabimero

    Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (2019) Non-Spoilers!

    That's interesting, because for me, the answer was a definitive "yes." Luke was the last Jedi--and that's it. There will be no more Jedi. Absolutely there will be others who are strong with the Force, but that doesn't make them a Jedi. It's hard to become a Jedi. The way I see it, the Jedi are...
  20. Carabimero

    Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (2019) Non-Spoilers!

    IMO a writer creates a theme through creating patterns that speak to the same idea, though those patterns in themselves may not resemble the same thing on the surface. Johnson did a great job of this in TLJ, IMO, first castrating the symbolic significance of Luke's light saber, then suggesting...
  21. Carabimero

    Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (2019) Non-Spoilers!

    I'm not saying a single movie is more than a movie. I am saying the emotional and inspirational effect Star Wars has had on so many people over so many decades is something truly wondrous. Many people in the entertainment industry today first saw Star Wars as a child and grew up believing they...
  22. Carabimero

    Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (2019) Non-Spoilers!

    Very few things in this life have a way of touching people so deeply. Star Wars has always had that ability. And after all these years it's so touching to see The Force still surrounding us, still binding us all together.
  23. Carabimero

    Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (2019) Non-Spoilers!

    I completely agree. And this is a big part of my point. We never see an "objective" telling of what happened. So this makes the lack of motivation on Luke's part even worse for me. It's pretty clear to me that Mark Hamill was very unhappy about how Luke was largely ignored in VII and motivated...
  24. Carabimero

    Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (2019) Non-Spoilers!

    A moment of weakness is one thing. I think a moment of weakness was clearly motivated in TLJ. But calling it quits and running away to an island is not a moment of weakness. Luke not only fell, he crashed. Granted he didn't burn, but he fell and crashed. Hard. It's impossible for me to see what...
  25. Carabimero

    Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (2019) Non-Spoilers!

    Thank you for making my point. That is a perfect example of a believably MOTIVATED Luke. No one is confused by, or disbelieves why Luke went and kicked Vader's ass. The entire movie led up to it. It wasn't brushed aside in a quick flimsy flashback. I wish I would have thought of this example...
  26. Carabimero

    Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (2019) Non-Spoilers!

    I will try to explain to you why I personally can't watch TLJ anymore (beside the fact it's too long, has too many climaxes, spends it precious screen time on dumb things like Canto Bight, is not structured like the second act of a three act play, and IMO makes fun of Star Wars with humor that...
  27. Carabimero

    Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (2019) Non-Spoilers!

    Luke refused to kill a known killer (Vader) because there might be good in him. Now we're supposed to believe that Luke nearly kills his nephew in his sleep in cold blood because there might be bad in him. That is going against type, especially when Luke is absent for the movie in between and...
  28. Carabimero

    Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (2019) Non-Spoilers!

    Mark Hamill, who is a pretty good authority on Luke Skywalker, must have also missed it. He didn't buy JJ's or Johnson's short shrift on his radical character change, and neither did I. It would have been enough for a character change in Luke that didn't go against type, yes. But it did go...
  29. Carabimero

    Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (2019) Non-Spoilers!

    Here's the exchange I remember: Way back when Billie Lourd announces her mother will be in ep 9 recreated digitally. Kennedy says publicly, sorry that's not true. Then JJ announces Fisher will be in episode 9 via unused footage from 7. And that's where we stand, if memory serves.
  30. Carabimero

    Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (2019) Non-Spoilers!

    I guess we all knew this, but now it's sadly official.