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  1. Carabimero

    New Star Wars films from Game of Thrones writers

    I'm not sure it's validation I want. I just want to be heard by people I respect. To be acknowledged. I think we all do.
  2. Carabimero

    New Star Wars films from Game of Thrones writers

    TPM made more, so I'm not sure how much money a movie makes determines how good it was. Mark Hamill put it best, talking about TLJ when he said that Disney doesn't care how good the movies are, they just want to make money. On a different subject: Something else I was thinking about: Spock...
  3. Carabimero

    New Star Wars films from Game of Thrones writers

    I agree. If Johnson's trilogy is shelved, it will be unfortunate in the sense that he planned to write stories in an entirely different part of the galaxy with people and places we have never seen before. That was exciting to me. Now it looks like we're going to get another prequel series. Ugh...
  4. Carabimero

    New Star Wars films from Game of Thrones writers

    The betrayal wasn't as deep with DSC because these were not characters I loved from childhood that then went against type and were unbelievably motivated in a show released in my adulthood. Imagine Capt Kirk in TOS all those years from your childhood and then you grow up and in the Star Trek...
  5. Carabimero

    New Star Wars films from Game of Thrones writers

    I'm pretty sure I saw the article posted on one of these Star Wars threads, and then a follow up. Originally Johnson was to go with a trilogy, then Benioff and Weiss were brought in. True, it has always been assumed theirs is a trilogy. That was never announced. I suppose Johnson could work...
  6. Carabimero

    New Star Wars films from Game of Thrones writers

    It wasn't too long ago I read a statement by someone from Lucasfilm that Benioff and Weiss got the next series of films. They're up first. It was later confirmed. To my knowledge nothing has changed since then. There's no way they are going to alternate Avatar between movies of a different...
  7. Carabimero

    New Star Wars films from Game of Thrones writers

    Let's just say I'll be surprised if he does. At one point, he was the golden boy, he could do no wrong; he was doing the next trilogy, and he hung the moon for Kennedy. Then came some fan disgruntlement and next thing I hear, his trilogy is second fiddle. That hasn't changed. Now we're told a...
  8. Carabimero

    New Star Wars films from Game of Thrones writers

    I appreciate your kind sentiment, but to say I think nothing worked would be untrue. Luke didn't work because his radical change was largely unmotivated to the point where even the actor didn't buy it. Canto Bight didn't work because it was silly and a waste of screen time that should have been...
  9. Carabimero

    New Star Wars films from Game of Thrones writers

    I disagree, because it's not a flashback within the structure of the movie we are watching. It doesn't function as a flashback in that opening position, and it doesn't slow narrative drive. No. It's when you and others say things like you don't know how anyone could not understand how Luke...
  10. Carabimero

    New Star Wars films from Game of Thrones writers

    I would agree with you (and I have never made my concluding point in this forum before) if Johnson had not done so many other things that didn't hold with Star Wars convention. But from the very first scene he is poking fun at the formal Star Wars convention of how rebels traditionally talk to...
  11. Carabimero

    New Star Wars films from Game of Thrones writers

    Hell, at this point I'll just be happy if they do what Kennedy wanted to do back in 2012: for the writers involved in the trilogy to take two years and get on the same page before going to work. Imagine that. But Iger said no; he wanted a movie asap, and now here we are--Episode IX: The Rise of...
  12. Carabimero

    New Star Wars films from Game of Thrones writers

    That's okay. I know I'm outnumbered in this forum, always have been, but I'm not offended or angered. I don't want a forum where we all agree. But I don't want a forum where another point of view is consistently questioned then dismissed, either. I'm not going to stop expressing my point of...
  13. Carabimero

    New Star Wars films from Game of Thrones writers

    If Rian Johnson could have directed TFA, I think TLJ would be freaking brilliant. It's this thing where we have convention revered in one episode, then thrown out the window in the next, then brought back with a vengeance in the final episode--that's the problem, IMO. The chefs were not working...
  14. Carabimero

    New Star Wars films from Game of Thrones writers

    If that's the case, those people can look forward to Rian Johnson's upcoming Star Wars movie.
  15. Carabimero

    New Star Wars films from Game of Thrones writers

    And again, I never said they were. So I am not sure why your "general public" comment was directed at me. I'm saying a lot of people of my generation who were there around May and June of 1977 that I have talked to from one end of the country to the other resent TLJ (and that's putting it...
  16. Carabimero

    New Star Wars films from Game of Thrones writers

    I never said it was the public at large. I said a lot of people from my generation. I hang out with people at conventions all over the country who are roughly my age. The vast majority of them feel the way I do. Some don't. But I would never presume to dismiss their feelings because they didn't...
  17. Carabimero

    New Star Wars films from Game of Thrones writers

    If the majority of people are truly ape-shit over Johnosn's film, there's no reason Disney won't move forward with his trilogy. They'd be nuts not to. So if that's true, all the lovers of TLJ have nothing worry about. Except maybe: "I fundamentally disagree with everything you wrote." - Mark...
  18. Carabimero

    New Star Wars films from Game of Thrones writers

    No one said TLJ was universally despised. But I am telling you a lot of people from my generation resent the film and Rian Johnson's arrogance in making it. He went out of his way to destroy convention. There's nothing wrong with that, as long you motivate it and respect your audience. A lot of...
  19. Carabimero

    New Star Wars films from Game of Thrones writers

    I agree he won't be writing and directing anymore Star Wars movies, but he might still have associations with them in some way. But directing, yeah, he's likely done, as I said many many months ago. It's one thing for Johnson to say on Twitter he's still got his Star Wars deal. I'm sure he...
  20. Carabimero

    New Star Wars films from Game of Thrones writers

    I get what you're saying, but as I'm watching Saul and Mike and Fring, what keeps me interested is the fact that they don't know what's going to happen. I'm invested in them, in that living and breathing moment, and not in my foreknowledge of the distant future. The drama of the moment short...
  21. Carabimero

    New Star Wars films from Game of Thrones writers

    The Better Call Saul scenario or, as I like to call it, producing episode after episode that could be used in film school to teach writing, directing, editing, mixing, scoring, acting or whatever else you want to teach about superior visual storytelling. Unified talent is what the Star Wars...
  22. Carabimero

    New Star Wars films from Game of Thrones writers

    Even if the ultimate outcome is known, if the writing is authentic, if I care about the characters at hand, then what happens to them in the immediate future is enough to carry me through. My problem is, the writing of SW movies under Disney has, with maybe one exception IMO, not even been close...