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  1. Brian Sallot

    **Official HTF HD Formats Ind./Retailer/Studio Support Thread-*SEE POST 3176, p. 106*

    I have a simple question for all including myself. When one format eventually wins how upset will you be that the other one failed? My 2 answers. If BR loses I have a PS3 which is a powerful gaming platform to still use so only loss is investment in the movies(which will still work) If HD...
  2. Brian Sallot

    **Official HTF HD Formats Ind./Retailer/Studio Support Thread-*SEE POST 3176, p. 106*

    I think either format can give a great picture and great sound and that is what home theater is about. The format competition does not bother me nearly as much as the Fanboy mentality that is running rampant around the many forums. I expect those attitudes from gamers because that is how it has...
  3. Brian Sallot

    **Official HTF HD Formats Ind./Retailer/Studio Support Thread-*SEE POST 3176, p. 106*

    I do not agree with Bill's way of pushing BR but he has every right to have an opinion and his is that BR is better. I just do not agree with him ignoring the negatives on BR's business tactics yet making HD-DVD seem like they are the only company making(shady) deals behind closed doors. I have...
  4. Brian Sallot

    **Official HTF HD Formats Ind./Retailer/Studio Support Thread-*SEE POST 3176, p. 106*

    I feel no matter what a Studio or it's Execs say that all Studios have gotten something from either the BR or HD camps for their commitment. This is business and big business at that and we all know that many lies are spoken to the public all the time. Both camps are guilty of it and to be...
  5. Brian Sallot

    **Official HTF HD Formats Ind./Retailer/Studio Support Thread-*SEE POST 3176, p. 106*

    I do have to say something about the "Format War" and that is if not for this format war we would be paying over $1000.00 for a player and possibly over $50.00 per movie. As far as pricing goes this war is helping the consumers. Now the negative. If this war continues too long then interest...
  6. Brian Sallot

    **Official HTF HD Formats Ind./Retailer/Studio Support Thread-*SEE POST 3176, p. 106*

    I feel Bill has every right to his opinion I just would like to see him do more research before posting some of his statements. (Microsoft paying Paramount, which he retracted but never said a simple sorry about and now Toshiba trying to buy Warner.) I guess Sony must have the cleanest rep in...
  7. Brian Sallot

    **Official HTF HD Formats Ind./Retailer/Studio Support Thread-*SEE POST 3176, p. 106*

    "Warner Bros., is being courted by both camps" An interesting turn of events as it is said that BOTH are courting the studio which means anything can happen. On Bill's site he pretty much again blames Toshiba and does not even mention Sony also going after Warner. I do not mind in any way...
  8. Brian Sallot

    **Official HTF HD Formats Ind./Retailer/Studio Support Thread-*SEE POST 3176, p. 106*

    Has BR consistently outsold HD-DVD 2:1? Not until the launch of the PS3 before that HD-DVD for a short time had the higher sales. But I do have to agree that no matter who has the bigger sales (Which BR is bragging about at the moment) Compared to DVD it is laughable to say the least. Will...
  9. Brian Sallot

    **Official HTF HD Formats Ind./Retailer/Studio Support Thread-*SEE POST 3176, p. 106*

    All forums are about opinion it is just when it starts to get taken personal that it is more arguing then just opinions. My opinion is that this war is far from over but I am in it for the long run as I love being able to watch the films I love in the best possible way available to me. My...
  10. Brian Sallot

    **Official HTF HD Formats Ind./Retailer/Studio Support Thread-*SEE POST 3176, p. 106*

    I just wanted to post a statement based on the BD VS. HD fighting that continues to go on all over the web and even here (Unfortunately) I was never a "Fan Boy" of any format(Including gaming or video formats) But since this format war has started I have seen a trend in the Home Theater Forums...
  11. Brian Sallot

    **Official HTF HD Formats Ind./Retailer/Studio Support Thread-*SEE POST 3176, p. 106*

    I just needed to reply on all the "Microsoft is behind this" postings. First I do not disagree that they may be behind it but Microsoft is no worse than Sony, they are both big companies that in the end care more about your money than you. I just find it somewhat amusing that Bill Hunt keeps...
  12. Brian Sallot

    **Official HTF HD Formats Ind./Retailer/Studio Support Thread-*SEE POST 3176, p. 106*

    Hi I myself own players in both formats and yes I was more than stunned by the announcement that Paramount chose to go exclusive to HD-DVD. I will not say they were paid to join HD-DVD(150M just does not seem like a whole lot to go exclusive)so for now I will assume there are other reasons...