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  1. Brendon

    Star Wars Expanded Universe Thread

    Kevin, Once again I'm much obliged for your thoughts and understanding of the EU. I'm torn between rereading TTT and selected post TTT books - the notion of reading through so many books based on "Super weapon/villain" or those trying to accomadate the KJA books seems to be an exercise in...
  2. Brendon

    Star Wars Expanded Universe Thread

    Kevin, Wah! I'm beginning to suspect that little in these novels could match up to the drama of the story of the books being written, shepherded and controlled; authors being summoned to Skywalker Ranch to be given the what for! Beyond the TTT, it would seem that the Bantham Press books...
  3. Brendon

    Star Wars Expanded Universe Thread

    Kevin, Go right ahead! There are plenty of FAQs out there, but they still purely to the facts - each book and games place in the chronology, author, brief plot outline. Little more. The "My List"'s on Amazon are equally unhelpful in finding a foothold into the wealth of EU stuff that's out...
  4. Brendon

    Star Wars Expanded Universe Thread

    Given that there seems to be a strong enough head of steam in the Movies>ROTS Discussion thread for talking about the Star Wars Expanded Universe, here it is! Before launching in, is it worth laying a couple of ground rules with respect to spoilers ? I appreciate some may be unavoidable when...