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  1. Bobofbone

    Sam's Underground Aerie

    Dave; The best wide angle lense I have for pictures is actually on my I phone-that's what I used to take these, so the resolution may not be all that great. I also took them with the lights on, but slightly dimmed to show the screen. The view is slightly to the side to get the entire screen...
  2. Bobofbone

    Sam's Underground Aerie

    Sam; We tend to watch movies more than anything else, probably about 80% of the viewing between my wife and myself in the theater. When my kids come home, they tend to do the same. Most of our viewing in the theater tends to be off recorded media-blu rays and DVD's that get upcoded on the blu...
  3. Bobofbone

    Sam's Underground Aerie

    Nice. I like it, and the way things have come together. I might be nuts, though. 2.40 has its advantages for movies that are 2.35 or 2.40. My panasonic adjusts the elevation and focus automatically-it fills the screen in either perspective (height wise) , but leaves the ends unfilled with...