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  1. Bobby Henderson

    Physical Media might not be dead, but Physical Media in Retail Stores are accelerating the death

    Consumers definitely deserve their share of blame for the decline of physical media. No question about it. Between freeloading via multiple forms of piracy to shopping as much as possible online, consumers have done their part to affect this negative trend. However, the content...
  2. Bobby Henderson

    Physical Media might not be dead, but Physical Media in Retail Stores are accelerating the death

    Yes, there are only so many basic plot lines. But any really good story requires characters made out of something more than cardboard. It's also vital for the motivations of properly developed characters to drive the plot rather than allowing the plot to drive the characters (which is very...
  3. Bobby Henderson

    Physical Media might not be dead, but Physical Media in Retail Stores are accelerating the death

    It's as if the people now running the movie industry all have ADHD. 20 years ago a movie production's bragging rights centered around the final box office tally. The entertainment media used to give those numbers a lot of publicity, like when the domestic gross of Jurassic Park crossed the $300...
  4. Bobby Henderson

    Physical Media might not be dead, but Physical Media in Retail Stores are accelerating the death

    Amazon is far from the only thing keeping drivers for UPS, Fed-Ex, etc employed. Meanwhile dozens of jobs are lost with the closing of just one decent sized retail store. My town has seen hundreds of jobs lost with the closing of stores like Hastings, Sears, Kmart, numerous mall tenants and some...
  5. Bobby Henderson

    Physical Media might not be dead, but Physical Media in Retail Stores are accelerating the death

    I prefer to buy music and movies on physical media since the audio-video quality is better. Unfortunately the quality margin physical media has over streaming or downloaded options has narrowed, and not always in a good way either. The movie studios are not putting in nearly as much effort into...