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  1. BobO'Link

    50 Best Movies of the 21st Century according to The Hollywood Reporter.

    That list is woefully inaccurate... Here's a proper list:,2022-12-31 It's from 1/1/2020 to 12/31/2022, which is also inaccurate (should be 1/1/01 to 12/31/2022) but that's easily corrected in the search parameters...
  2. BobO'Link

    50 Best Movies of the 21st Century according to The Hollywood Reporter.

    No, it's not. They plainly state in the last sentence (poor grammar and all) before presenting the list:
  3. BobO'Link

    50 Best Movies of the 21st Century according to The Hollywood Reporter.

    Makes sense - I wondered about that as your post about the song just seemed to not fit at all otherwise.
  4. BobO'Link

    50 Best Movies of the 21st Century according to The Hollywood Reporter.

    I've seen 5 of the films on that list and heard of 6 more, only one of which I'm remotely interested in seeing. There is one I'd not heard of that, after reading the description, I'd like to see: "Summer of Soul" There are *lots* of excellent films they've overlooked. This list looks to be...
  5. BobO'Link

    50 Best Movies of the 21st Century according to The Hollywood Reporter.

    What... no love for CCR's version?!?