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  1. Bill Huelbig

    New Kubrick SE's

    Thanks, Mark. I still think they're wrong about "Grand Prix", though. I always thought "2001" was the first time the blue logo was ever seen. The New York Times review even took notice of it, right in the opening sentence, as being something new: "EVEN the M-G-M lion is stylized and...
  2. Bill Huelbig

    New Kubrick SE's

    Wikipedia says "Grand Prix" was the only other movie besides "2001" to use it, but everytime I've seen "Grand Prix" it started with the standard roaring lion, including the DVD. I know I've seen the blue logo somewhere else. Maybe it was "The Subject Was Roses"...
  3. Bill Huelbig

    New Kubrick SE's

    JeffMc: I think either "The Strawberry Statement" or "The Magic Garden of Stanley Sweetheart", two MGM films from around that time, had the blue lion logo. Maybe both of them?