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  1. AnnaMaria

    "Lucy Show" (and public domain) questions

    It was never said on the show that she was divorced however it was in the minds of the creators that she was. The show made no mention of her previous husband.
  2. AnnaMaria

    "Lucy Show" (and public domain) questions

    Now, now, nothing to argue about here that's very important. They lived in Danfield USA and some people prefer one show over the other. So Carol Brady was not the first divorcee on tv. Interesting. I have a question: There are some people who seem to be knowledgeable about what...
  3. AnnaMaria

    "Lucy Show" (and public domain) questions

    I would love to see both The Lucy Show and Here's Lucy in season releases. I have a handful of the Lucy Show and the quality isn't good. One show skips part of the opening scene and it's hard to navigate. And anything with Lucy and Viv is hilarious. I do have Lucy and Viv fixing a shower.