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  1. Adam Lenhardt

    Star Trek Lower Decks

    It's not super recent. This season is set at least a couple years after Nemesis, and "The First Duty" was set in 2368. So it's a minimum of 13 years after "The First Duty". As to why Locarno looks so old in his mid-thirties: I'm guessing he's done some hard living since his expulsion. And some...
  2. Adam Lenhardt

    Star Trek Lower Decks

    Max Grodénchik's Rom voice is so distinctive, I'm glad they got him back to reprise the character. Leeta's voice is less distinctive, but I'm still glad they brought Chase Masterson back to reprise the character. I was a bit confused as to how we were supposed to interpret that. Was the joke...
  3. Adam Lenhardt

    Star Trek Lower Decks

    Today's episode wasn't my favorite, but I'm still really enjoying T'Lyn. And casting Wendy Malick as the older cougar Betazoid (so, basically Lwaxana Troi) was genius.
  4. Adam Lenhardt

    Star Trek Lower Decks

    Tendi is definitely the main character we knew the least about, after Rutherford's elaborate backstory last season. Somehow the cutesy nerd girl actually being a ferocious assassin princess made perfect sense to me. I enjoyed how T'Lyn is became more a part of the friend group this episode...
  5. Adam Lenhardt

    Star Trek Lower Decks

    "Everybody out! Give me 30 ccs of whatever just worked a fucking minute ago!" Three episodes in a row without any major complaints for me, which has to be a record for this show. I feel like they've found their groove.
  6. Adam Lenhardt

    Star Trek Lower Decks

    They've released the first two "Very Short Treks": For some reason, they went with Pete Holmes imitating Chris Pine playing Kirk for the captain. But the rest of the characters seem to be voiced by their live action nuTrek counterparts.
  7. Adam Lenhardt

    Star Trek Lower Decks

    It would make sense, especially on a smaller ship like the Cerritos, for Lieutenant Junior Grades to share a double, which would still be a sizable step up from sleeping in a bunk off of the hallway. But Boimler initially had his own quarters -- twice -- before bunking with Rutherford, so I...
  8. Adam Lenhardt

    Star Trek Lower Decks

    It's funny 'cause it's true. :)
  9. Adam Lenhardt

    Star Trek Lower Decks

    4x02 - "I Have No Bones Yet I Must Flee" I like that the series is allowing them to progress professionally, rather than keeping them ensigns forever. But I kind of wish they'd staggered it more; I think they could have mined some interesting interpersonal stuff from the rank differential if...
  10. Adam Lenhardt

    Star Trek Lower Decks

    4x01 - "Twovix" One thing I appreciated about the premiere is that it wasn't the incompetence of the Cerritos crew that drove the plot; it was the overzealous museum curator. I much prefer it when the show frames the Cerritos crew as underdogs making the best of a bad situation, rather than...
  11. Adam Lenhardt

    Star Trek Lower Decks

    Nice to see T'Lyn sticking around on the Cerritos after her transfer in the third season finale. If one of our four mains gets promoted this season, it makes sense to bring in a new ensign to the mix. Was that stinger the game in "Move Along Home" from DS9's first season? That episode was a...
  12. Adam Lenhardt

    Star Trek Lower Decks

    Renewed for Season 5; Season 4 Will Premiere in Late Summer:
  13. Adam Lenhardt

    Star Trek Lower Decks

    My head canon is that after some catastrophic failure with the train, they converted the tube into a pedestrian walkway. :biggrin:
  14. Adam Lenhardt

    Star Trek Lower Decks

    I really enjoyed this finale. It didn't even really try to be that funny, it just told a good Star Trek story with the underdog ethos of "Lower Decks". What's weird is that the auto-skip credits kicks in before the post-credits scene. You have to actively select continuing to watch the credits...
  15. Adam Lenhardt

    Star Trek Lower Decks

    The main story this week was only so-so, with Mariner's bad reputation coming back to bite her as Captain Freeman (again) overcompensates for her insecurities about the Cerritos's reputation. I did like the episode's take down of the Reagan-era "Just Say No" War on Drugs moralizing in TNG. And...
  16. Adam Lenhardt

    Star Trek Lower Decks

    I liked it too. I'm guessing we'll get a holodeck episode set in the Vindictaverse each season, which I'm fine with. The holonovel framing gives the show more license to engage in the kind of irreverence that sometimes rubs me the wrong way when it's supposed to be actually happening in the...
  17. Adam Lenhardt

    Star Trek Lower Decks

    It felt like a bad "Rick & Morty" episode more than even a bad "Lower Decks" episode: deeply cynical, and obstinately dedicated to a premise that they had to know would exhaust the audience's tolerance.
  18. Adam Lenhardt

    Star Trek Lower Decks

  19. Adam Lenhardt

    Star Trek Lower Decks

    While members of the Federation appear to retain significant autonomy over domestic affairs, I believe demilitarization is a prerequisite for joining. To be clear, though, I don't think it's necessarily a mistake. Bajor could very well still be independent at this point in the timeline. Strax...
  20. Adam Lenhardt

    Star Trek Lower Decks

    I did really enjoy that, recreating the DS9 title sequence shot for shot, but in a much more mundane context. I've actually been impressed by the live action actors who have reprised their characters on this show, especially because it's so tonally different from the live action shows. The...
  21. Adam Lenhardt

    Star Trek Lower Decks

    I still have my issues with this show, but one thing I do like a lot better now than at the beginning is that the four of them actually feel like friends rather than misfit toys that got stuck together on an island. Now I really want to know what the hell Dr. T'Ana was up to during her time...
  22. Adam Lenhardt

    Star Trek Lower Decks

    Arguably, it formalized it by explicitly labeling the Enterprise-D as "the flagship of the Federation". "Enterprise" further canonized the Enterprises' special status by giving United Earth's first warp 5 starship that name. And then DIS and SNW canonized the original Enterprise's flagship status.
  23. Adam Lenhardt

    Star Trek Lower Decks

    Even though the central conspiracy didn't make a whole lot of sense (as the captain's concluding log even admitted), I enjoyed this episode. The USS Carlsbad felt a bit like what the live action version of a California-class support ship would be like. Same shitty/boring missions as the...
  24. Adam Lenhardt

    Star Trek Lower Decks

  25. Adam Lenhardt

    Star Trek Lower Decks

    I liked this episode a lot more than the premiere. It was what I've wanted this show to be from the beginning: the trials and tribulations of low-ranking officers performing grunt work while growing as people. They started developing Tendi more last season, putting her on a leadership track...
  26. Adam Lenhardt

    Star Trek Lower Decks

    As @Jason_V pointed out, that would be easier to do if the powers that be didn't insist on the show crossing over with the live action series. One throwaway line I did appreciate was Boimler's commentary on his purple hair dye and how nobody knows his real hair color. We just accept that...
  27. Adam Lenhardt

    Star Trek Lower Decks

    Today's season premiere was a showcase for my frustrations with this being in continuity with the other shows and movies. It's just tonally so different, and it doesn't hesitate to put a good gag ahead of sound worldbuilding. The site of first contact in Bozeman, Montana being turned into a...
  28. Adam Lenhardt

    Star Trek Lower Decks

    Yeah, I enjoyed the fact that there was an actually obstacle to overcome this week, rather than the characters having to deal with the consequences of their own flaws. It also played to the fact that the California-class fleet is frequently underestimated by the rest of Starfleet due to its...
  29. Adam Lenhardt

    Star Trek Lower Decks

    I agree. Probably my favorite episode of the series so far. It also helped explain why humanity drove so much of the Federation's technological advancement when the Vulcans started out so much further ahead than United Earth. T'Lyn basically saved the day, and was punished for it because she...
  30. Adam Lenhardt

    Star Trek Lower Decks

    This one was too meta for me: Isn't it hilarious how we're all bad at our jobs, but a sitcom resolution will negate all of the consequences by the end of the half-hour? I did enjoy that. Much like Frakes, she zeroed in on the show's heightened tone right away.