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  1. Adam Lenhardt

    House season 5

    The ending also proved that the detiorating look was a deliberate artistic choice; compare the scenes with House to his memories of the last episode and the wedding scene without House. The last two are leaps and bounds more colorful than the House "reality" scenes. So while it was...
  2. Adam Lenhardt

    House season 5

    I've been waiting along time for the scene between House and Cuddy in House's apartment. Everything from him asking for her help on was handled brilliantly. Judging by the promise of something "shocking" in Fox promos for next week, though, it looks like there may be a shot that he's not out of...
  3. Adam Lenhardt

    House season 5

    It was an artistic decision to visualize his insomnia. The picture didn't contain edge enhancement, really, but high contrast unflattering foregrounds and soft diffused backgrounds. Characters with lab coats on seemed to have a halo behind them, for instance.
  4. Adam Lenhardt

    House season 5

    I mean from a catch up standpoint; eight days puts it online one day after the next episode airs, except when there's a repeat. I don't mind the delay itself, I just strongly prefer watching on a TV (even with full commercial breaks) to watching on my laptop. Fortunately, the repeat last week...
  5. Adam Lenhardt

    House season 5

    Unfortunately, 8 days is just as bad as 2 weeks as far as that goes. It was only after the repeat that Neil mentioned that I was able to catch up. Really liked this episode, from House embracing Cutthroat as a way of communicating with his subconscious to farming out his thinking a little too...
  6. Adam Lenhardt

    House season 5

    Unfortunately, anyone who didn't catch it live had it spoiled even if they weren't actively seeking out a recap. Thanks to Fox's idiotic policy with "House" episodes going up on Hulu two weeks after they air, once I fell behind I was perpetually one episode behind. First it was spoiled by a...
  7. Adam Lenhardt

    House season 5

    Hah! Nifty. "Sort of a Fiddler/Stones mashup " indeed.
  8. Adam Lenhardt

    House season 5

    And yet, him at the piano paying a Yiddish tune was so perfect. I love those beats with him alone in his apartment playing music because Hugh Laurie is such an expressive player and so much feeling seeps out of the character in those moments.
  9. Adam Lenhardt

    House season 5

    Last time Foreman was looking for a job on the caliber of working for House. He could have presumably gotten a normal nuerologist position, but he wasn't willing to settle. Without a recommendation from Cuddy, he couldn't even settle. This show does a phenomenal job of getting me to believe...
  10. Adam Lenhardt

    House season 5

    So we've got Foreman back on the team and Cameron as assistant babysitter to House; how is Chase's role going to be expanded?
  11. Adam Lenhardt

    House season 5

    Am I the only one who couldn't get over the fact that the fat girl pretty much had an awful life from the get-go, an awful experience under the care of House's team and then was thrown away so Cuddy could get her baby? Especially for a Christmas episode, that was a depressing ending. The...
  12. Adam Lenhardt

    House season 5

    So, am I the only one who really hopes that House was the one who got Cuddy's old med school desk out of storage?
  13. Adam Lenhardt

    House season 5

    It was nice seeing the old team front-and-center again for an episode. They're interactions with House are much more interesting, because they're on more equal footing.
  14. Adam Lenhardt

    House season 5

    Madeline Zima (who I remember from "The Nanny") comes from a show-biz family. Her youngest sister Yvonne played Dr. Greene's daughter until the role was recast in 2000. It was the middle sister Vanessa, who first starred in The Baby-Sitters Club in 1995, who played the pregnant mom on Tuesday.
  15. Adam Lenhardt

    House season 5

    ...And was rewarded accordingly by Cuddy.
  16. Adam Lenhardt

    House season 5

    Because he fears change. On some level, he despises himself, and therefore believes that he's constantly on the verge of losing what he cares about. Any significant change is a threat to the hallowed status quo. And then he's snarky to cover for it. I was more fascinated by his actions toward...
  17. Adam Lenhardt

    House season 5

    I agree 100%. His antics, first at the rest stop and later with the police car, would be enough to kill most friendships from the get-go. House is awful to Wilson, and the only reason Wilson seems like a dick now is because we've seen him put up with it for so long.
  18. Adam Lenhardt

    House season 5

    Not my favorite episode. The P.I. guy is just too strange for me. Next week looks interesting, though.
  19. Adam Lenhardt

    House season 5

    I think we'll ditch at least one of the new crew by the end of the season, just because the show doesn't need four staffers to work. Eliminating one would allow the others more screentime, and allow Cameron and Chase to return to more than glorified cameo status.