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  1. Adam Lenhardt

    Heroes - Season Three

    Yes, if the entire Villains chapter had been dropped from last season, I doubt you'd have heard many complaints.;)
  2. Adam Lenhardt

    Heroes - Season Three

    Leave the Trek terminology with Trek. One of the powers Sylar obtained was the ability to download a person's entire set of memories; that's why he needed Nathan to come to him even though he got the DNA for shapeshifting from his toothbrush. Since Sylar "downloaded" all of Nathan's memories, he...
  3. Adam Lenhardt

    Heroes - Season Three

    Me too. If you believe in the idea that human beings are more than they bodily flesh and synapses, the idea of forging someone into a (nearly) identical approximation of someone else is really disturbing. The person Angela forced Matt Parkman to create has Sylar's brain and Sylar's (transformed)...
  4. Adam Lenhardt

    Heroes - Season Three

    Agreed. They need to come up with a fantastic season finale and then work backward from there. Season One felt like it was leading to that finale the whole way. Subsequent seasons just haven't.
  5. Adam Lenhardt

    Heroes - Season Three

    This is the episode you're going to pick for the overused Jump the Shark reference? It wasn't my favorite by any means, but there plenty of worse ones from earlier in the season and especially in season two.
  6. Adam Lenhardt

    Heroes - Season Three

    If you had your memory wiped, wouldn't you try to fill in the missing pieces? Presumably, he placed a FOIA request years later to find out what he could of the time he lost. I was okay with Suresh's father being involved, despite making the world a degree smaller, because he was the leading...
  7. Adam Lenhardt

    Heroes - Season Three

    Bizzare episode; seemed like sort of a detour from the main plot. Considering that all of the scenes set in the past were in color for the NBC promos, I'm guessing the decision to make the 1961 scenes black and white came relatively late in production. There was definitely something off about...
  8. Adam Lenhardt

    Heroes - Season Three

    :laugh: In my case, a Google search for "'hayden panettiere' claire wig" lead me to this Yahoo! Answers page which in turn linked me to the Glamour article.
  9. Adam Lenhardt

    Heroes - Season Three

    The Secret Behind Hayden Panettiere’s New Haircut: Girls in the Beauty Department: Beauty: Apparently dying her hair back and forth between black and blonde for the future scenes in Season Two pretty much destroyed Hayden's hair, so they had to chop it off and let it grow back...
  10. Adam Lenhardt

    Heroes - Season Three

    I actually took away the opposite conclusion: while we like H.R.G. and despise Danko, they're really not all that different and H.R.G. is probably no more deserving of redemption than Danko is, even if his motives are more noble.
  11. Adam Lenhardt

    Heroes - Season Three

    This episode was season one caliber, with Sylar and H.R.G. both at the tops of their respective games. The dual themes of Sylar circling around H.R.G. while Parkman circled around Danko works really well. His Eastern European escort just proves that everybody has something to lose. Angela's...
  12. Adam Lenhardt

    Heroes - Season Three

    Well, I'm not saying the show singlehandedly rests on Bryan Fuller's shoulder or anything but the last three episodes he's been in the room for (including the episode he scripted) have been the best three episodes since he left after season one. The thing I liked about Sylar's storyline is...
  13. Adam Lenhardt

    Heroes - Season Three

    The deeper voice was the first thing I noticed. He's not a cute kid any more, but that helps sell that the character could have orchestrated all of this.
  14. Adam Lenhardt

    Heroes - Season Three

    Season two opened four months after the end of season one, with Matt having abandoned his wife because he discovered the baby wasn't his. However in a later episode in season two, she confronted him in prison and he discovered the baby in fact was his. What I'm a little foggy about is whether...
  15. Adam Lenhardt

    Heroes - Season Three

    If you remember, even though his wife told him the baby wasn't his, she read her mind and found out it really was. Even though she was cheating on him, presumably they were still having sex at least occasionally. Strange that she'd name the kid after him.
  16. Adam Lenhardt

    Heroes - Season Three

    Just because Hercules says it, doesn't necessarily make it true. From director Greg Beeman's blog:"Oliver Grigsby is a young man who works on HEROES as the Writers Assistant. This is his first, produced, hour of TV. He is twenty-seven years old. Some day I guess I should write an “Oliver...
  17. Adam Lenhardt

    Heroes - Season Three

    I think Loeb's name will be in the credits the rest of the season, even though his last episode was (I believe) a few back. Tonight's episode was brought to us by Oliver Grigsby, who was Tim Kring's long-time script coordinator on "Crossing Jordan" and the first two seasons of "Heroes". This...
  18. Adam Lenhardt

    Heroes - Season Three

    It also happened to be the first episode where Bryan Fuller was back in the writers room. It definitely picked up and went in some unexpected directions. The characters seemed suddenly a lot smarter again, except for Nathan -- which I suppose is the point.
  19. Adam Lenhardt

    Heroes - Season Three

    I thought it was the best we've had in a while. Sylar's backstory was really sick and twisted, Claire's storyline gave her adoptive mother a great character moment, Nathan was revealed as in way over his head, and the was the Hunter set up Parkman was truly devious.
  20. Adam Lenhardt

    Heroes - Season Three

    That episode was all about restoring H.R.G. to bad ass status. And that basically happened in the last five minutes of the episode. The rest was dead weight. I'm one of the show's biggest cheerleaders, but the narrative device of jumping forward periods of time and then using lots of flashbacks...
  21. Adam Lenhardt

    Heroes - Season Three

    Exactly, call your NBC affiliate and complain. Showing in letterboxed here, too.
  22. Adam Lenhardt

    Heroes - Season Three

    This may be my favorite episode of the season so far. Nothing much happened in terms of plot, but we got a chance to see characters interact in a real way. I wonder who this mysterious "REBEL" is though.
  23. Adam Lenhardt

    Heroes - Season Three

    The practically off-screen write-off of Daphne was my least favorite part of the episode. But then, people around Parkman have a habit of disappearing via off-screen write-off: his wife, his child, Molly Walker, etc. The thing that struck me while watching it is that for the first time the...
  24. Adam Lenhardt

    Heroes - Season Three

    I made some screen caps of what happens with my affiliate. When the episode first starts out, the SD feed fills the screen but looks stretched: But after a second or two, squishes into the letterboxed frame: This is what leads me to believe that NBC isn't providing a letterboxed SD...
  25. Adam Lenhardt

    Heroes - Season Three

    Angela previously stated that Nathan was artificially given an ability. At the same time, she explicitly stated that Peter was born with his ability.
  26. Adam Lenhardt

    Heroes - Season Three

    And, as Jason and others mentioned, all indications are that it's not the same power he was born with. His power now works by touch, and he can only hold one power at a time. Thus his "What was the last thing you saw me do?" answer to Nathan when he asked him what powers he had inventoried.
  27. Adam Lenhardt

    Heroes - Season Three

    My interpretation was that he got kind of pummeled as all of the old powers buffeted around inside him and it took him a second to get back on top of them all.
  28. Adam Lenhardt

    Heroes - Season Three

    Hiro's father has. George Takei must have the record for number of posthumous appearances on a television series.
  29. Adam Lenhardt

    Heroes - Season Three

    Exactly. It would have been just as easy for Daphne to steal TWO vials of the formula, run back in time via the power boost, stab Hiro, and have him teleport them back.
  30. Adam Lenhardt

    Heroes - Season Three

    This week's episode did what it needed to do; it wrapped up a lot of the loose ends, maneuvered characters back into a recognizable purpose, got rid of the characters that weren't necessary, and set up the next chapter. I was glad to see Peter act like Peter. I was fascinated with the fact...