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  1. Aaron Silverman

    Ready Player One (2018)

    Now, I would be willing to give that a chance. Because it would probably take ten minutes to read! :D
  2. Aaron Silverman

    Ready Player One (2018)

    I thought that Munich, Lincoln, and Bridge of Spies were fantastic. Haven't seen War Horse or Tintin or BFG. Normally, I can understand differing tastes, but IMO this book is so objectively bad (an odd way to put it, I guess, but FWIW I am a professional writer) that I am truly baffled that...
  3. Aaron Silverman

    Ready Player One (2018)

    The book MIGHT be worth the time it takes you to go to the library to borrow it for free. IF you're REALLY curious, that is. :D
  4. Aaron Silverman

    Ready Player One (2018)

    Didn't see Ender's Game or Tron 2 (yet). Wish I could compare! :) I read a few more pages last night. . .more of the same, basically.
  5. Aaron Silverman

    Ready Player One (2018)

    That, and if you have very low standards when it comes to writing. :p
  6. Aaron Silverman

    Ready Player One (2018)

    I say this as a child of the 1980s who was very intrigued by the descriptions I've read. I'm 60 pages into the book, and if it doesn't improve quickly, I'm a-gonna wait for the movie. It's 10% story, 90% exposition and random '80s pop-culture references. The writing is juvenile; YA-level at...