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  1. Aaron Silverman

    WGA set to strike - TV Season could be truncated/delayed

    Most Guild writers I've been reading seem OK (if not jumping for joy) about the deal. Fun post though, Mr. Ellison! :)
  2. Aaron Silverman

    WGA set to strike - TV Season could be truncated/delayed

    You mean like their employers drove them to stop working by trying to devalue their work in perpetuity?
  3. Aaron Silverman

    WGA set to strike - TV Season could be truncated/delayed

    The Oscars themselves may be a minor blip, but don't forget that noms and wins can mean a large bump in revenue for films. No Oscars show = less (or no) bump.
  4. Aaron Silverman

    WGA set to strike - TV Season could be truncated/delayed

    Like Joseph said, your example is SO hypothetical as to not be very useful. :) Remember also that the performers on The Daily Show and Colbert are the writers.
  5. Aaron Silverman

    WGA set to strike - TV Season could be truncated/delayed

    Doing 22 minutes of interviews and chit-chat is one thing. My position was that if they're trying to improvise comedy bits that would've normally been written a few hours ahead of time then that would pretty much amount to scab writing. Comparing the people who write the Daily Show's comedy...
  6. Aaron Silverman

    WGA set to strike - TV Season could be truncated/delayed

    Wow. I hate to say it, but if WGA members Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert cross picket lines to improvise material that they otherwise would have written a few hours earlier. . .then WGA members Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert are scabs and I won't be tuning in. :frowning: I wonder if the...
  7. Aaron Silverman

    WGA set to strike - TV Season could be truncated/delayed

    Last I checked, no WGA members had actually fired anyone. It's the multinational corporations with billions of dollars in assets who decided to can their production staffs rather than continue to pay them (it's not like they aren't still selling advertising time for reruns). You know, the same...
  8. Aaron Silverman

    WGA set to strike - TV Season could be truncated/delayed

    One last clarification on that dead horse. . .the negotiations are over *minimums*. Highly paid writers already make more than what's being discussed. It's the little guys who will be affected by this.
  9. Aaron Silverman

    WGA set to strike - TV Season could be truncated/delayed

    Here's one of the deals where a group of top screenwriters is getting first-dollar gross along with a much smaller up-front payment. The story includes a link to the other group, which preceded it by a bit.
  10. Aaron Silverman

    WGA set to strike - TV Season could be truncated/delayed

    Another way to think of it is this: "I'll sell you the right to use this script as the basis of a theatrical film for $X, plus the right to use it in additional profit channels (DVD, VOD, etc.) for a certain percentage of the revenue from each of them." In response to Quentin's comment about...
  11. Aaron Silverman

    WGA set to strike - TV Season could be truncated/delayed

    Not quite true. The IP has not been purchased and owned for additional use independent of residuals -- residuals are part of the purchase itself.
  12. Aaron Silverman

    WGA set to strike - TV Season could be truncated/delayed

    Unfortunately, far too many people (not referring specifically to anyone here; just speaking in general terms) think that since anyone can type, anyone can write.
  13. Aaron Silverman

    WGA set to strike - TV Season could be truncated/delayed

    If it were that easy, a LOT more people would be doing just that! :)
  14. Aaron Silverman

    WGA set to strike - TV Season could be truncated/delayed

    Nobody knows the amount of profit a script could generate before that profit is actually generated. That's why the deal involves a smaller up-front payment and the promise of continued payments for continued use of the IP. A writer is most assuredly assuming part of the risk when he accepts...
  15. Aaron Silverman

    WGA set to strike - TV Season could be truncated/delayed

    I believe it was the '88 strike that kicked off the modern era of reality shows, with Cops and America's Funniest Home Videos. (There were "reality" shows before that, but this was a new wave in direct response to the strike.)
  16. Aaron Silverman

    WGA set to strike - TV Season could be truncated/delayed

    Those statements are only in response to the complaint that writers make a lot of money and thus shouldn't complain at all. The fact is that the work in question has a certain amount of value. An NBA player or a star actor might make $10 million this year because that's a reasonable...
  17. Aaron Silverman

    WGA set to strike - TV Season could be truncated/delayed

    In response to Maria Fernandez' post (and I certainly sympathize -- add me to the list of folks who've lost a home by losing work, in my case due to 9/11), I would remind her that the writers didn't lay off the staff of her show -- the studio did. They're the ones who decided to pay nobody at...
  18. Aaron Silverman

    WGA set to strike - TV Season could be truncated/delayed

    So what are you doing writing posts??? Kidding! :D (PS the answer is "Ron Epstein is not a signatory to the MBA." ;) )
  19. Aaron Silverman

    WGA set to strike - TV Season could be truncated/delayed

    You can, but it involves focusing your wardrobe exclusively on either blue or red. ;)
  20. Aaron Silverman

    WGA set to strike - TV Season could be truncated/delayed

    Note that the average writer is not a *working* writer most of the time. The great majority of WGA members are not pulling in anywhere close to $200K at any given moment. I believe $200K is about what a staff writer on a hit show earns annually -- as long as the show is still running.
  21. Aaron Silverman

    WGA set to strike - TV Season could be truncated/delayed

    I don't think anyone implied that you should stop posting. But if you're tired of arguing, that's OK. Hope you come back and join in the fun again when you're in the mood. . .
  22. Aaron Silverman

    WGA set to strike - TV Season could be truncated/delayed

    The problem is that you are "balancing" the argument for balance's sake. Every time you're asked for your opinion of the facts surrounding the actual negotiations, you respond with philosophical differences with the way the system is set up. Like I said, there's nothing wrong with those...
  23. Aaron Silverman

    WGA set to strike - TV Season could be truncated/delayed

    How do you see the actual difference in positions? Because having read through them, IMO the imbalance you are seeing most assuredly does map to them. What are the demands of each side, as you understand them?
  24. Aaron Silverman

    WGA set to strike - TV Season could be truncated/delayed

    You're the one who claims to be reading opposing viewpoints but refuses to share them. This thread is full of links to evidence supporting the other side.
  25. Aaron Silverman

    WGA set to strike - TV Season could be truncated/delayed

    This has nothing to do with what's "cool." While it's fine to be of the opinion that neither the AMPTP or WGA should exist, the fact remains that they do, and that this is the situation we're discussing. And within those parameters, it is extremely difficult to objectively look at the facts here...
  26. Aaron Silverman

    WGA set to strike - TV Season could be truncated/delayed

    What in the world does any of this have to do with doctors and plumbers?
  27. Aaron Silverman

    WGA set to strike - TV Season could be truncated/delayed

    Do you believe that the studios in question should be allowed to negotiate with the writers' union as a collective group (AKA the AMPTP)? Should they have the right to lock out the union writers? But I see you've already answered that. Since you believe that neither side should have the right...
  28. Aaron Silverman

    WGA set to strike - TV Season could be truncated/delayed

    Arrrrrrrrrrgh. Um. . .it bore repeating? ;)
  29. Aaron Silverman

    WGA set to strike - TV Season could be truncated/delayed

    Nope. No money to be made here:
  30. Aaron Silverman

    WGA set to strike - TV Season could be truncated/delayed

    Do you believe that the AMPTP should be allowed to do what it's allowed to do?