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  1. Sean Patrick

    good DVD/Scene to test TV/DVD player fine detail?

    ed - that would explain a lot. i thought i was noticing something like "upconversion". now that i know what it is i'll be far less bothered by it. jan - i'm not saying the dvd looks bad, just not as good as it could. It just has a video-ish look to the transfer, not like some of the great...
  2. Sean Patrick

    good DVD/Scene to test TV/DVD player fine detail?

    jonZ - thanks for the recommendation, i actually have ALL of those. Thought Training Day looked particularly great. one of those you mentioned, The Big Lebowski (one of my favorites) actually looked a little drab and dull when i watched it this weekend, i was thinking it was a prime...
  3. Sean Patrick

    good DVD/Scene to test TV/DVD player fine detail?

    Maybe i've been spoiled by the (few) HDTV programming i've seen on my new RCA F38310, but even in progressive mode, i am feeling that dvd's are looking a little soft and almost like my eyes are straining to see fine detail. Especially with title sequences.....anyway, what's a good scene on...