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  1. LarryDavenport

    How long before we see the movie

    I have no family and only a few good friends. Trivial matters is about all I have to hang on to. ------------------ These chicks know how to party! - MoJo JoJo
  2. LarryDavenport

    How long before we see the movie

    A couple of my old film school friends and I got together this weekend and the subject of a possible WTC Attack film came up. Our consensus was that it would be pointless and couldn't possibly be any good. Pointless because there is so much actual footage of the crashes themselves (how many...
  3. LarryDavenport

    How long before we see the movie

    Bill: Only six people died in the 93 bombing and it didn't effect the nation as a whole (ie. it didn't shut down air traffic and the stock exchange, or cancel sporting events and concerts, or shut down film/tv production). ------------------ These chicks know how to party! - MoJo JoJo
  4. LarryDavenport

    How long before we see the movie

    As I said in another thread, I hope it's at least 20 years. But I have a question: If in a couple weeks or months one of the networks came out with a DVD about the tragedy and included all the different angles of the crashes, would you buy it? Personally, I wouldn't. I erased my tapes of the...