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  1. Josh Steinberg

    HBO Max True Detective: Night Country

    I’m a very satisfied customer.
  2. Josh Steinberg

    HBO Max True Detective: Night Country

    They’re all self contained and unique which makes them enjoyable rather than obligatory :)
  3. Josh Steinberg

    HBO Max True Detective: Night Country

    Previous True Detective seasons have done the thing where they make you question whether something is supernatural before revealing it was not. My expectation is that it will be the same this season as well.
  4. Josh Steinberg

    HBO Max True Detective: Night Country

    I hope to restart my Max subscription and get cracking on the first episode tonight. Quick question for anyone who’s seen it - is this in a 16x9 ratio or something different?
  5. Josh Steinberg

    HBO Max True Detective: Night Country

    Not really. Some metaphysical navel gazing by specific characters (as part of their personality rather than plot) and contemplations of the nature of life in the universe, maybe a red herring or two, but ultimately, nothing that couldn’t happen in real life.