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  1. Chris Will

    Untitled Star Wars Film (Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy)

    Original trilogy was not planned out like Lucas claims. We have the 5 original drafts of A new Hope and can see the drastic changes made. Vader wasn't Luke's father until the 2nd or third draft of Empire. I know what Lucas likes to claim but, he may have had ideas but there was no master plan.
  2. Chris Will

    Untitled Star Wars Film (Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy)

    It will only move the story forward if they don't bring back another bad guy with cloning and maybe have her drop the Skywalker name. People love to hate on TLJ but, a 3 year old could have come up with a better story than TROS (sorry, I'm still salty because of JJ's dumb final chapter and I...