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  1. Paul Penna

    Press Release Warner Archive Announcement: Looney Tunes Collectors Choice Volume 1 (Blu-ray)

    I still have my copy of that first edition, intact and fully functional though showing distinct evidence of partial water-logging from the flood of 1986 (fortunately nothing like the Johnstown one).
  2. Paul Penna

    Press Release Warner Archive Announcement: Looney Tunes Collectors Choice Volume 1 (Blu-ray)

    Their decision to go with a selection of more broad-based appeal rather appeal to some narrower niche is much more likely to sell well (while at the same time making a mouth-watering selection for long-time collectors like me) and that's what needs to happen if we want to see more releases. I'm...
  3. Paul Penna

    Press Release Warner Archive Announcement: Looney Tunes Collectors Choice Volume 1 (Blu-ray)

    Jerry Beck's new article on the release:
  4. Paul Penna

    Press Release Warner Archive Announcement: Looney Tunes Collectors Choice Volume 1 (Blu-ray)

    All will be new to Blu-ray. At least two of the so-far announced titles, Catch As Cats Can and Beanstalk Bunny have never been on DVD. Others have shown up on DVD only as bonus features on feature film releases, but in analog, made-for-broadcast transfers.