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  1. Scott Merryfield

    Upgrading from Blu-ray to UHD: Where do you draw the line?

    DVD Profiler is still available for purchase, and is still completely functional (except for some bugs). However, there has not been any new release in over five years, so future development is highly unlikely. There is always the concern that the online database and other online features may...
  2. Scott Merryfield

    Upgrading from Blu-ray to UHD: Where do you draw the line?

    Per DVD Profiler, I am at 196, including a few I have on order. My disc purchases have slowed down considerably over the past year or two, though. Not sure how many are upgrades from BD, but I would guess the majority fit that description. Interestingly, I have purchased 227 4K digital copies...
  3. Scott Merryfield

    Upgrading from Blu-ray to UHD: Where do you draw the line?

    My disc buying has slowed down a great deal, and I only upgrade to 4K UHD discs under very limited circumstances. While I have no specific criteria for upgrading, it does have to be film I really like with a noticeable improvement in video and/or audio quality, and the price has to be low...