Search results

  1. lgmayka

    WARNER ARCHIVES WBSHOP 4 for $44 Sale March 12, 2021 - March 15, 2021 (Possible Last WbShop ever)

    I have received neither package nor email yet. My order was at 5:07 p.m. on March 15, so it was presumably one of the last orders submitted. Has anyone received a shipment in the last few days?
  2. lgmayka

    WARNER ARCHIVES WBSHOP 4 for $44 Sale March 12, 2021 - March 15, 2021 (Possible Last WbShop ever)

    No, I never got any such email. Thank you for posting its contents, which are somewhat reassuring. But I still have no concrete information about my order from March 15, beyond the initial order acknowledgement that day.
  3. lgmayka

    WARNER ARCHIVES WBSHOP 4 for $44 Sale March 12, 2021 - March 15, 2021 (Possible Last WbShop ever)

    The web site is now totally gone. I have no way of checking the status of my second order (placed on the last day of the sale). Nor do I have anyone to contact.