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  1. JimmyO

    Star Wars: Rogue Squadron (2023)

    There are many directors of significant talent that have had their share of bombs, and these bombs didn't have to contend with COVID. A single poor result under circumstances beyond your control doesn't make you a bad talent. 'The BFG' certainly didn't ruin Spielberg. If '84' had been run...
  2. JimmyO

    Star Wars: Rogue Squadron (2023)

    Cleopatra is still going to film, it just won't be with Patty directing, and it will still star Gadot. Or so seems the latest in the press.
  3. JimmyO

    Star Wars: Rogue Squadron (2023)

    I could be wrong, but isn't it her original story? Or would they completely toss her script and start over? I got the impression when I saw her trailer thing that this was her idea and her story. In collaboration with another writer I believe. Not sure.
  4. JimmyO

    Star Wars: Rogue Squadron (2023)

    That's one way to look at it. Another would be that she's being allowed to do the movie based on the promises she shows from her other projects, the least not being Wonder Woman (not 84, obviously). I think you have to look at a directors talent in a broad way rather than how well their last...
  5. JimmyO

    Star Wars: Rogue Squadron (2023)

    I am definitely a fan of Jenkins, I hope she can see all three of these projects through.