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  1. jayembee

    Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021)

    Hunh. I don't recall ever hearing about an extended version of FFH being released in theaters. At any rate, I don't know if under normal conditions I would bother to see an extended NWH in the theater. But my wife and I never got around to seeing the original version in the theater. If the...
  2. jayembee

    Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021)

    Preachin' to the choir, Jake. Preachin' to the choir. Back in the day, I was very much a continuity wonk. Movies, TV, comics, book series, whatever. Nowadays, I don't care overmuch. It's fun in its own way, but it's not the be-all and end-all. I get impatient with people who felt it undermined...
  3. jayembee

    Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021)

    That's kind of my point. They aren't canon because Warner/DC say so. Which essentially makes "canonicity" (if you'll excuse the neologism) somewhat arbitrary. Marvel Studios claimed that the pre-Disney+ Marvel TV shows made under Ike Perlmutter's regime were not part of MCU canon because they...
  4. jayembee

    Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021)

    :blush: Of course, I try to think of Suicide Squad (as opposed to The Suicide Squad) as little as possible. At least, that's my story and I'm sticking to it. (Of course, he also appears in the Snyder Cut of Justice League, and is referred to very non-obliquely in Birds of Prey, so I really...
  5. jayembee

    Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021)

    Canon has nothing to do with it. Joker isn't considered "canon" only because Warner/DC specifically said it wasn't part of the "DCEU". There really isn't any reason why it couldn't be, given that, so far, the Joker character hasn't appeared in any film considered to be canonical (outside a very...
  6. jayembee

    Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021)

    I don't think either was better than the other (either Affleck v Cox or Duncan v D'Onofrio). I think in each case, both actors were solid for different reasons. It's like arguing whether Bill Everett or Gene Colan (or Frank Miller or John Romita Jr.) was the better Daredevil artist. And I never...
  7. jayembee

    Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021)

    The thing, though is that Strange wasn't announced as being in SM3 until after the date switch was done. I suspect that the details about SM3 weren't nailed down yet (working with Sony must complicate things), and with all sorts of weirdness going on with Sony's Spider-Adjacent films (Morbius...
  8. jayembee

    Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021)

    The other possibility is that all of the extra Spider-characters are just glorified cameos, as part of a set up for a future movie, but instead of leading into another Spider-Man/Spider-Verse movie, it leads into Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. Esepcially given that Strange is...
  9. jayembee

    Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021)

    Yeah, it sounds like the same gimmick that The CW did with the Crisis on Infinite Earths crossover on TV. Stock it full of cameos for the fans, and make it about One Big Happy(?) Multiverse.
  10. jayembee

    Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021)

    Sony has apparently said something rather vague regarding Maguire and Garfield, to the effect that their participation hasn't been confirmed. Which suggests that they're nailing down the contracts. Given that there are also rumors that Benedict Cumberbatch will be appearing in the new...
  11. jayembee

    Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021)

    Generally speaking, I'm with you, Josh, but... I didn't dislike ASM2 as much as most, but it went wrong in throwing too many villains into the stew in the same manner as SM3 (my vote for worst Spidey film, and even that I didn't wholeheartedly hate) and a couple of the 90s Batman films. On the...
  12. jayembee

    Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021)

    And Chris Evans was terrible in the role of Johnny Storm in the two FF movies. I'm still thrilled that he was hired to play Steve Rogers in the MCU. I know, I know, it's not the same role. So what? The real point is that Jamie Foxx is a very talented actor. Quite frankly, the problem with him...