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  1. Ejanss

    Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021)

    No way: Forget Netflix, Ray Stevenson in "Punisher: War Zone" IS the MCU Punisher. :oops: (It's just too bad he couldn't have had a better movie, as by that point, we'd given up on low-budget pre-MCU Lionsgate movies after the Thomas Jane/John Travolta Punisher.)
  2. Ejanss

    Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021)

    They've been showing us enough clips--well, the same TWO, over and over--to make us realize it's being made by people who don't know the difference between June Cleaver, Laura Petrie or Samantha Stevens, and thought they all vacuumed in pearls and aprons. And, even more unforgivably to a...
  3. Ejanss

    Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021)

    Oh, I remember: This was right around the same early-00's time as the celebrity-news crowd all went nuclear over calling Gigli one of the "Worst films ever made", simply as a big tantrum against the offscreen Ben Affleck/Jennifer Lopez shenanigans at the time-- Even though Daredevil didn't seem...
  4. Ejanss

    Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021)

    Spidey 3 failed because of too many villains, insisted upon by too many cooks in the pot: Sam Raimi wanted to work his way through the villains chronologically, and was still on trying to find a "contemporary" reason for silver-age Sandman to rob banks, Sony wanted to stick with Harry-Goblin for...