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  1. Nelson Au

    Dancing With The Stars - Season 26

    Ha, ha! Yeah, I can see how you’d feel that way. I also thought his friend Mirai was annoying too.
  2. Nelson Au

    Dancing With The Stars - Season 26

    Adam Rippon and Jenna Johnson took the mirror all last night. Sort of anticlimactic. However Adam and Jenna’s freestyle I thought was kind of out there. So it looked like it might have cost them the win. All three finalists I thought were worthy. DWTS sure got squeezed out with an hour final...
  3. Nelson Au

    Dancing With The Stars - Season 26

    This shortened season is ripping by so fast and with a triple elimination last night too. The finalists are Adam Rippon and Jenna Johnson, Josh Norman and Sharna Burgess and Tonya Harding and Saha Farber. I don’t think there was any surprise there, not too big anyway. Mirai really wanted to be...
  4. Nelson Au

    Dancing With The Stars - Season 26

    It looks like Adam is the one to beat so far. I’m not clear who Arike is, but I wasn’t too sad to see her go. Kareem was kicked off as I expected. I have to wonder if it’s his age that kept him from moving more, or was it the height difference with his partner or he just can’t dance. It was...
  5. Nelson Au

    Dancing With The Stars - Season 26

    Adam Rippon looks like a serious challenger too.
  6. Nelson Au

    Dancing With The Stars - Season 26

    Surprisingly, and I’m not fully sure why, but I rooted for Tonya to stay. Because I’m not sure how she was involved in the controversy back in the day. I missed two or three of the dances, of the ones I saw, Kareem was the weakest. So the ones who were the lowest were a surprise. Kareem just...
  7. Nelson Au

    Dancing With The Stars - Season 26

    Davehof, I see regarding American Idol. I had not considered that. Like what ABC did to Dancing With The Stars, they are over saturating the schedule with the American Idol broadcasts! I’m not a fan of American Idol, never was. I can see ABC is really putting a lot of hopes on the show. With the...
  8. Nelson Au

    Dancing With The Stars - Season 26

    I’m surprised they invited Tonya. But she was in the news recently.
  9. Nelson Au

    Dancing With The Stars - Season 26

    Holy cow, I’ve been so busy I totally missed the announcement of the new 2018 DWTS cast. The new season starts April 30. This is a surprise in that it’s a 4 week season with double eliminations and a slightly smaller cast. Maybe the interest is way down, but the show is still popular enough to...