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  1. Malcolm R

    The Batman (2022)

    Adam West played Batman? I thought he was the mayor on Family Guy. ;)
  2. Malcolm R

    The Batman (2022)

    I'm not aware they've ever tried any live-action "Goofy Batman" since the Adam West years, so I'm not sure anyone knows what audiences would accept. The only movies in current pop culture start with Burton's 1989 film through The Batman. All dark and depressing for the most part. Unless this...
  3. Malcolm R

    The Batman (2022)

    Some films have no ending at all, others have too many. ;)
  4. Malcolm R

    The Batman (2022)

    :huh: Sounds like two different movies.
  5. Malcolm R

    The Batman (2022)

    It's been in practice for years, to an extent, with matinee discounts. For some reason, if you want to see a film at Noon, it's usually a few dollars cheaper than seeing the same film at 7pm. I also agree that 50 cents to $1 is not likely to get many people's attention. I think that's the...
  6. Malcolm R

    The Batman (2022)

    Yes, it seems discriminatory toward all the large, balding character actors that could have played the role without all the extra makeup and padding. And as you say, why hire Colin Farrell then have the character look nothing like him.
  7. Malcolm R

    The Batman (2022)

    Aside from Batman, are we supposed to know who the characters are in any of those posters? Like others, any interest I had in this project becomes less and less as the marketing blitz goes on. Every press release/poster/trailer just makes it look worse and worse. Warner seems really clueless...
  8. Malcolm R

    The Batman (2022)

    Bruce Wayne looks very emo/goth, almost like a character from Twilight. Um, wait....
  9. Malcolm R

    The Batman (2022)

    Two Apes movies and Cloverfield?
  10. Malcolm R

    The Batman (2022)

    You would think theaters would show less trailers/ads with the longer movies in order to possibly fit another showtime in the schedule.
  11. Malcolm R

    The Batman (2022)

    Yep, with that running time, it's officially a "wait for home video" title.
  12. Malcolm R

    The Batman (2022)

    The first studies on omicron from South Africa and UK show while it may spread as easily or even more easily than delta, it seems quite less serious with regard to symptoms and hospitalization. Also, in South Africa, cases seem to be dropping nearly as quickly as they spiked with the onset of...
  13. Malcolm R

    The Batman (2022)

    My interest in this film just dropped about another three notches. How innovative and edgy. :rolleyes:
  14. Malcolm R

    The Batman (2022)

    Then I'm not sure what's the point of releasing a trailer now? Why not wait until you have the footage to make something more compelling?
  15. Malcolm R

    The Batman (2022)

    All so dark that it could be any random person wearing any sort of Batman costume.
  16. Malcolm R

    The Batman (2022)

    As long as it's not yet another origin story with baby Bruce and his parents' murder kicking things off, I'll give them a little slack on the number of possible villains (which as Jason says, may not all be "villains" yet in this film).
  17. Malcolm R

    The Batman (2022)

    Colin Farrell as Penguin:
  18. Malcolm R

    The Batman (2022)

    Paul Dano cast as Riddler:
  19. Malcolm R

    The Batman (2022)

    Current rumor is The Riddler.
  20. Malcolm R

    The Batman (2022)

    It's official:
  21. Malcolm R

    The Batman (2022)

    DC and Warner just can't help themselves, can they? One step forward, two steps back.
  22. Malcolm R

    The Batman (2022)

    Yes, but it's been done to death. Let's just have a straight-up Batman adventure with no flashbacks to murdered parents or Bruce's upbringing as a lonely little rich boy.
  23. Malcolm R

    The Batman (2022)

    That's part of the problem facing DC/WB, every future Batman film will be compared against Nolan's trilogy, likely unfavorably.
  24. Malcolm R

    The Batman (2022)

    I think DC needs to take a break from Batman (and Superman, for that matter). Recent films featuring the character have disappointed, and they've been having much more success bringing characters to the screen who have not had feature films in the past (Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Suicide Squad)...