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  1. Colin Jacobson

    Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny (2023)

    Heck yeah!
  2. Colin Jacobson

    Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny (2023)

    Anachronistic music choices do take me out of movies. Not all, but a lot. That didn't happen with "DoD", though... because they were accurate! :)
  3. Colin Jacobson

    Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny (2023)

    Kinda resent the notion that remembering when music came out makes one a nitpicking nerd. You honestly have no time-specific associations with music you've heard over the decades? "Hey Jude" coulda been 1962 or 1965 or 1968? Also, it's sloppy when a movie uses a song that didn't exist in the...
  4. Colin Jacobson

    Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny (2023)

    Undoubtedly the filmmakers wanted "MMT" for the reasons you mention. Even if they didn't, it still befuddles me that its use would be called "historically inaccurate".
  5. Colin Jacobson

    Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny (2023)

    Again, there's nothing "historically inaccurate" involved. If they played "Abbey Road", that's historically inaccurate. But you're referring to a situation you deem "unlikely" to be "inaccurate". Not even vaguely the same thing. "DoD" isn't a documentary. These aren't real people whose...
  6. Colin Jacobson

    Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny (2023)

    Yes, you are! ;) I get irritated by anachronisms. If the movie used Lennon's "Power to the People" or "Cold Turkey" to blast Indy awake, that'd be bad since the songs didn't exist in August 1969. But "MMT" did, so it's not historically inaccurate. Same for "SO": it'd been out for a month, so...
  7. Colin Jacobson

    Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny (2023)

    Well, I was 2 in summer 1969 so no idea what the status of radio was - and I didn't live in NYC anyway. I don't think "Oddity" would've been a weird choice for an NYC station, though. It did get extra play due to the "tie-in" to the moon landing, so it makes sense it'd have been on the...
  8. Colin Jacobson

    Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny (2023)

    He never claimed to be a good parent! :D
  9. Colin Jacobson

    Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny (2023)

    There was nothing INaccurate historically about the use of either song. "MMT" had been out since late 1967. "Oddity" was released 7/11/69 and the parade we see was August 13.
  10. Colin Jacobson

    Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny (2023)

    It does feel odd to see Indy in adventures outside of the 1930s settings of the 1st 3. "Skull" expanded into the 50s, of course... and that was kinda jarring. Had to be done unless they wanted to de-age Ford for entire movies, though!
  11. Colin Jacobson

    Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny (2023)

    Ford looks pretty effin' great for 80s! I didn't remember PWB from any prior efforts, but it turns out I've seen her in a few: -Albert Nobbs -Iron Lady -Goodbye Christopher Robin -Man Up She also did voice performances in "Solo" and "His Dark Materials". So I've experienced her work more...
  12. Colin Jacobson

    Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny (2023)

    Saw it last week. Thought it was surprisingly dull. Not a terrible movie but oddly uninvolving - easily the least entertaining of the 5. Also thought I'd already said so in this thread - guess not! :)
  13. Colin Jacobson

    Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny (2023)

    Do we know if it'll be Disney or Paramount who produces the 4K/BD in the US?
  14. Colin Jacobson

    Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny (2023)

    They should hold off on Indy without HF forever.
  15. Colin Jacobson

    Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny (2023)

    If this one made insane money, I could see it - $$$ talk. But I think it'd have to be much more successful than I suspect it'll be.