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  1. Mike Frezon

    Survivor Cambodia

    Even the season's players were very self-aware of how good this season was. They kept mentioning as much during the final tribal council.
  2. Mike Frezon

    Survivor Cambodia

    Excellent, excellent season! One of the best in a long time. I think both of those points are spot on. And am very excited to see my man Caleb (a contestant on Big Brother two seasons ago) will appear in the next season of Survivor! He'll be a perfect pick. Hope he does well.
  3. Mike Frezon

    Survivor Cambodia

    They were won in a challenge, right?!?
  4. Mike Frezon

    Survivor Cambodia

    +1 I'm a fan of Keith. My wife hates the constant spitting...but I think he's a lot more than he makes himself out to be. And...he's a challenge beast--I'm not sure why the rest of the cast doesn't see that (or else we haven't seen them comment on it).
  5. Mike Frezon

    Survivor Cambodia

    This cast is starting to look really thin--in terms of their weight! Spenser and Wentworth are starting to look positively gaunt! The same thing with Joe when he collapsed!
  6. Mike Frezon

    Survivor Cambodia

    About the only thing she's been consistent about through the contest is not wearing a bra.
  7. Mike Frezon

    Survivor Cambodia

    Yeah. I was trying to figure out what was going on with Keith's vote for Tasha. Apparently, his cluelessness rivals Woo's.
  8. Mike Frezon

    Survivor Cambodia

    I think that's exactly what he "knew!" :laugh:
  9. Mike Frezon

    Survivor Cambodia

    I totally gummed up my math involving Fishback's votes in my post above. Nevertheless, splitting those two votes still doesn't make much sense to me. Here's what EW's Dalton Ross wrote on the subject:
  10. Mike Frezon

    Survivor Cambodia

    By the way, this episode helps to continue to cement this as one of the best seasons of Survivor ever.
  11. Mike Frezon

    Survivor Cambodia

    He could've voted Abi, Abi, too. I'm still wondering what he thought he'd accomplished by splitting his own votes. I thought a vote of Joe, Joe from Fishback wouldn't meant a tie between he & Joe.
  12. Mike Frezon

    Survivor Cambodia

    The show edit seemed to indicate that Wigglesworth was playing an extremely strong social game--liked by everyone. Maybe she assumed the role of "camp mom" this year?
  13. Mike Frezon

    Survivor Cambodia

    I don't think Ciera had any idea what was about to go down. You can see her explain to others as Wentworth was walking up the HII that she "had no idea!" One of the things I am left wondering is if Ciera and Wentworth coordinated their votes for Savage--how that came about.
  14. Mike Frezon

    Survivor Cambodia

    I was thinking the very same thing. But I give Savage (as he was exiting tribal council) a pass because he was just responding to that unprovoked comment from that douchebag Abi. :biggrin: It's worth it to go back--if you still have the episode on your DVRs--to watch the realization on...
  15. Mike Frezon

    Survivor Cambodia

    You know, it seems like something always happens, though, that takes away that obvious vote at the next tribal council--some kind of major drama or something. Someone caught in a lie...or someone provokes somebody else. It's amazing how consistently inconsistent that is! :biggrin:
  16. Mike Frezon

    Survivor Cambodia

    Methinks this is going to be one of those episodes Ron raves about! :biggrin: Don't read below unless you've watched the episode: I was thinking Ciera might be going home. But I'm glad Wentworth played that idol...even though I hate to see it backfire that way on Savage. But what a play...
  17. Mike Frezon

    Survivor Cambodia

    Yeah...looks like ten (or could we hope for 11?). Kass really misplayed her attempt at "chaos." She should've kept quiet. And Ciera would've been the one to go.
  18. Mike Frezon

    Survivor Cambodia

    Not to brag (because I'm really not that good at predicting the outcomes on Survivor)...but I knew Woo only had a week or two left. He just seemed completely clueless as to what was going on around him socially. It was kind of an easy way for everyone else to go. Easy peasy.
  19. Mike Frezon

    Survivor Cambodia

    :laugh: The Savage/Tasha maneuvers are textbook on how to deal with "not having the numbers" after a shuffle. Abi is so easily manipulated, she becomes a GREAT player to take late in the game. But something tells me she won't make it that far this time...
  20. Mike Frezon

    Survivor Cambodia

    Props to Savage and Tasha for figuring out how to position themselves (even though in the minority) and being able to take out both Peih-gee and Jeff Varner. Masterful. And let Abi believe she's the swing vote until you figure out her time has run its course. This, without a doubt, is one of...
  21. Mike Frezon

    Survivor Cambodia

    I like Woo, too. But he always seems pretty clueless in terms of what's going on around camp socially. Always the last to know. That doesn't bode well for him. I agree that this is a pretty good blend of characters..even with a dearth of eye candy. :biggrin:
  22. Mike Frezon

    Survivor Cambodia

    Nope. You got it. John was saying the criteria is "only played once before." Colby doesn't fit the criteria because he's played twice.
  23. Mike Frezon

    Survivor Cambodia

    Patrick: You've gotta find a picture and edumacate these fellas... :laugh:
  24. Mike Frezon

    Survivor Cambodia

    Have there been people in these threads complaining about not enough eye candy?!? :biggrin: If so, I think I'd need to break out the "banning stick!" :laugh:
  25. Mike Frezon

    Survivor Cambodia

    Of course it's crap. It is a manufactured storyline which only serves to get in the way of an already perfectly interesting game. It is just a simplistic way to hook the audience into understanding that this is one way of looking at something and this is another way of looking at something...
  26. Mike Frezon

    Survivor Cambodia

    And THAT'S a, exactly?!? :biggrin: c'mon...this season is all about "second chances!" I'd prefer Amanda back for a fourth chance more than I'd care to see many in this cast again! :laugh: D'ya suppose it'd work to make a drinking game based on the "second chance" mantra that...
  27. Mike Frezon

    Survivor Cambodia

    I'm still trying to figure out how my couple of million write-in votes to bring back Amanda Kimmel for a fourth go-round didn't work.