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  1. Walter Kittel

    2015-2016 TV Schedule (Broadcast)

    Watched Minority Report and it really didn't blow me away. It sort of felt like they were trying to duplicate the chemistry of Sleepy Hollow with a black female detective and a socially awkward white guy who doesn't fit in. Not ready to write it off just yet, but it seems to be shaping up as...
  2. Walter Kittel

    2015-2016 TV Schedule (Broadcast)

    I'm sort of taking a day at a time with the new season. Watched the first episode of The Bastard Executioner last week and I'm undecided on whether I'll stick with it or not. Maybe just a little bit too much carnage for my tastes. (I wasn't surprised, with that kind of title I'm not...
  3. Walter Kittel

    2015-2016 TV Schedule (Broadcast)

    And Supernatural just keeps rollin' on. :) I've been watching the show every since it premiered and I think as long as Ackles and Padelecki maintain interest in the show it will probably continue for the near future. - Walter.
  4. Walter Kittel

    2015-2016 TV Schedule (Broadcast)

    As has been observed elsewhere, two DC franchises will be squaring off against one another on Monday evenings - Supergirl and Gotham. I know that Person of Interest has lost ratings (I currently have a bunch of episodes queued on the DVR and keep intending to binge watch the show) but I'm a...
  5. Walter Kittel

    2015-2016 TV Schedule (Broadcast)

    In addition to what Matt said regarding CBS's schedule, CBS has filled in a lot of slots on Monday and Thursday evenings with repeats of The Big Bang Theory. Eliminating those repeats will free up time slots. I tend to watch more CBS vs. the other networks, but I'm thinking about dropping...
  6. Walter Kittel

    2015-2016 TV Schedule (Broadcast)

    What Matt said. Strike Back's Sullivan Stapleton and Phillip Winchester are both going to be showing up on the NBC Fall schedule, but in different shows. Stapleton is in Blindspot and Winchester will be teamed up with Wesley Snipes in The Player. - Walter.