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  1. darkness2918

    Uncharted series

  2. darkness2918

    Uncharted series

    It depends what you are looking for in a game. They offer very different experiences. Uncharted is 3rd person shooter with big set pieces & somewhat linear levels, a more cinematic type game. Far Cry is a 1st person shooter that's pretty much an open world game, go where you want, do what you...
  3. darkness2918

    Uncharted series

    I also loved Watch Dogs. Its one of my favorite games of this year. I enjoyed the story very much, better then GTA V which I never even bothered to finish on PS3.
  4. darkness2918

    Uncharted series

    I love the Uncharted series. Golden Abyss is the reason I picked up a Vita around its launch & Uncharted 1 was my initial reason for buying a PS3. I cant wait for the 4th.