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  1. Adam Lenhardt

    The Good Wife - Season 6

    I think it was a combination of Jess Wexler's limited availability and the show's desire to focus on Kalinda since the writers knew it was the last season they had Archie Panjabi. The Kings confirmed that she's still employed by Florrick Agos or Lockhart Agos and Lee or whatever the hell it's...
  2. Adam Lenhardt

    The Good Wife - Season 6

    I think part of it is that Patti's run was much earlier on the show than the bulk of Wiley's appearances. Having watched the show in real time, I never really even made that connection. I think part of it is that Patti's run was much earlier on the show than the bulk of Wiley's appearances...
  3. Adam Lenhardt

    The Good Wife - Season 6

    Wow, so it looks like the crazy conspiracy theory is actually true.
  4. Adam Lenhardt

    The Good Wife - Season 6

    I would have loved an Alicia-Elspeth team up next season. That being said, given how polarizing the character is, I can see why they didn't want to go that way. And while Louis Canning is also a polarizing character, Michael J. Fox is a much bigger "get" for the show than the spectacular Carrie...
  5. Adam Lenhardt

    The Good Wife - Season 6

    Terrific finale. Best since Alicia agreed to join Cary's firm in the fourth season finale. I loved how this episode Alicia was just completely out of shits to give. Her supply of shits was exhausted, and anyone expecting her to give a shit had to go home empty handed. And everybody used to her...
  6. Adam Lenhardt

    The Good Wife - Season 6

    According to the Kings, the logic behind Alicia's political subplot this season was to get Alicia to a place where the rose-colored public persona that the show had built up around her was shattered, to strip away all of the artifice surrounding such a public figure so it's a show about this...
  7. Adam Lenhardt

    The Good Wife - Season 6

    I agree completely, Matt. After the last couple episodes, this was a breath of fresh air. And seeing Alicia in the same position yet proceeding in a completely different way was very instructive to her journey as a lawyer and a person. Who would have thought we'd be so happy to see her lie in...
  8. Adam Lenhardt

    The Good Wife - Season 6

    Re: Kalinda
  9. Adam Lenhardt

    The Good Wife - Season 6

    While Finn is a decent honest guy and all, Alicia needs to fire him as her lawyer. Then she needs to hire Louis Canning to represent her and instruct him to do everything snaky he can to make it more painful for Lockhart, Agos and Lee to dump Alicia than it would be for them to dump R.D. as a...
  10. Adam Lenhardt

    The Good Wife - Season 6

    A thought that just struck me: What if Lemond Bishop takes it upon himself to address the corruption in the Democratic party that is interfering with his plans for a prosecution and assassination-free retirement? I definitely agree with you that voter fraud is vastly overstated as problem...
  11. Adam Lenhardt

    The Good Wife - Season 6

    Wow, I did not expect the show to make that direct of an indictment of Chicago's political culture. The Illinois Democratic Party made a calculation that serving their own governor's wife up as a sacrificial lamb was worth preserving a veto proof majority in the State Senate. This is a...
  12. Adam Lenhardt

    The Good Wife - Season 6

    Tonight's episode was about the storm clouds rolling in. The gay marriage/religious accommodation rhetorical exercise was a bit of a red herring, a shiny object to keep our attention focused elsewhere from the major brewing developments. That said, it was an extremely well executed shiny...
  13. Adam Lenhardt

    The Good Wife - Season 6

    He was indeed terrific as Lionel Luthor on "Smallville", but he's also had a handful of previous appearances on the "Good Wife" playing the same character. He's one of their recurring roster of opposing counsel.
  14. Adam Lenhardt

    The Good Wife - Season 6

    Very good episode. It was nice to spend nearly an entire episode in those law offices, after a long time away from them. Something tells me this isn't the last we've heard of these scandalous emails. It's a little too much like putting the genie back in the bottle. How great of a character is...
  15. Adam Lenhardt

    The Good Wife - Season 6

    I've got to give the show credit for timing the election episode so close to the actual Chicago mayoral election, though the actual State's Attorney elections for Cook County are held every four years on leap years, much like the presidential elections. I also have to give the show credit for...
  16. Adam Lenhardt

    The Good Wife - Season 6

    I was ready for Canning to go, too, but it was worth it for the scene where Louis Canning asks for his phone and Alicia just refuses to give it to him. The thing about those two is that they both love the dance. I agree with you about the election cycle being over. It was an interesting...
  17. Adam Lenhardt

    The Good Wife - Season 6

    The show has experimented with stepping inside Alicia's head before, but never anywhere close to this degree. It was an interesting experiment. And I agree, Matt, that the device of her losing her voice really helped separate what was real/external from what was imagined/internal. Was that...
  18. Adam Lenhardt

    The Good Wife - Season 6

    How I've missed this show. Dylan Baker seemed to have an absolute blast playing both Colin Sweeney and the third-rate actor impersonating Mr. Sweeney for one of those ripped-from-the-headlines true crime fictionalizations. And Laura Benanti practically orgasming in the courtroom as Colin Sweeney...
  19. Adam Lenhardt

    The Good Wife - Season 6

    I think it was more than his son, who had been so deathly ill, just had really good news and seemed to be out of the woods. He was feeling grateful and charitable toward the world at that moment. I'm not sure it quite played, but it was enough of an explanation for me to move past it.
  20. Adam Lenhardt

    The Good Wife - Season 6

    I'm not sure if the title cards at the beginning about when the episode was written and filmed were the result of CBS's legal team being overly cautious or the producers patting themselves on the back for successfully riding the zeitgeist. Either way, they felt unnecessary and damaged my...
  21. Adam Lenhardt

    The Good Wife - Season 6

    The show sort of put itself into a tough spot with this post-plea manuever in the first episode back from the hiatus: If Cary doesn't get off after all of the hullabaloo, the show's just unneccesarily twisting the knife further in the audience's gut. On the other hand, if Cary does get off, the...
  22. Adam Lenhardt

    The Good Wife - Season 6

    Just a friendly reminder that "The Good Wife" returns tonight at 9/8c with its mid-season premiere "Hail Mary".
  23. Adam Lenhardt

    The Good Wife - Season 6

    An outcome that unfortunately happens all too often. In this country, 97 percent of federal cases and 94 percent of state cases end in plea deals. It has been said that if even 10 percent of cases were forced to go to trial, the entire legal system would grind to a halt. You can't tell me that...
  24. Adam Lenhardt

    The Good Wife - Season 6

    I loved the sense of inevitability about the campaign. I particularly loved the shoe being on the other foot this week, and ending with Alicia asking Prady to abide by his better nature. Does anybody thing that Peter's affair with his legal counsel won't come back to bite both him and Alicia...
  25. Adam Lenhardt

    The Good Wife - Season 6

    I believe it's a Democratic primary. I'm never quite certain how the timeline of the show lines up with the real world. But in the real world, the State's Attorney primary for Cook County would not be held until March 2016. I can't remember if this is special election for some reason, where...
  26. Adam Lenhardt

    The Good Wife - Season 6

    I'm amazed that Diane hasn't tried to get Finn's reasons for resigning on the record. I know his discussions with Castro are privileged, but there has to be some way to get Finn's assertion that Cary is innocent into the record. The fascinating thing for me is that this time she might have...
  27. Adam Lenhardt

    The Good Wife - Season 6

    A lot of that comes down to Peter. Not that he was a particularly terrible father, but his fall from grace and subsequent incarceration had a significant traumatic impact on the family, and Alicia shielded the kids from that as much as possible.
  28. Adam Lenhardt

    The Good Wife - Season 6

    It says a lot about the quality of this show that I find a way to fit it into my Sunday night even though CBS's football commitments play absolute havok with its scheduling.It also struck me during tonight's episode that I laugh out loud at this show more than most comedies.Kyle MacLachlan must...
  29. Adam Lenhardt

    The Good Wife - Season 6

    She's the best lawyer on the show, even though she's more than a little unconventional.
  30. Adam Lenhardt

    The Good Wife - Season 6

    Based on how last night's episode ended, I would guess that we'll be seeing Alicia and Elsbeth on the same side sooner rather than later. I agree. I also really enjoyed what that scene said about Peter; giving her introduction after Finn's endorsement was something he had to do politically...