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  1. Y

    Avengers: Season 5 (Blu-ray) Available for Preorder

    The most recent UK dvd's and the US Blu should be from the same masters so should be the same.
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    Avengers: Season 5 (Blu-ray) Available for Preorder

    This set is fine for the price. The visuals are fine considering the whole season is on 3 discs. There are comments regarding over use of noise reduction on the series 4 dvd's in the UK which leads to some audio being very difficult to hear so it wouldn't be a great surprise if Studio Canal...
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    Avengers: Season 5 (Blu-ray) Available for Preorder

    It's 7 discs . That cover is an incorrect one originally used when the set was first listed in 2010. Test discs of the completed Bluray release are now being checked. As expected it seems all the bonus features from the dvd's will be included with the exception of the reconstructions which...
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    Avengers: Season 5 (Blu-ray) Available for Preorder

    That's why I stick with Panasonic . I got my first player multi region for Bluray in 2008 , then switched to another Panasonic that also had UOP disabled , then 12 months ago got a Panasonic Bluray recorder with MR and UOP off , and none of them has ever needed any kind of update to play a disc...
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    Avengers: Season 5 (Blu-ray) Available for Preorder

    As the set is not out for a while , its region status is unknown but as its a SC title its likely to be locked. But if you have a Panasonic player Studio Canal is one of the labels for which the menu trick works in order to play it on a Region A player. How did you lose the switching...
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    Avengers: Season 5 (Blu-ray) Available for Preorder

    The UK release of the B&W Rigg shows is not far away but likely to be 2-3 times the price of the US series 5 set. I would say the chances of the Blackman shows being released on Bluray is nil as there would be no advantage due to them being taped rather than filmed
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    Avengers: Season 5 (Blu-ray) Available for Preorder

    As I said earlier I am acquainted with one of the two people who put together the bonus features for the UK discs and he was able to keep me up to date with developments. There is no reason at all to think the increase in pitch was just 2% . The simple mistake that was made was that they...
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    Avengers: Season 5 (Blu-ray) Available for Preorder

    We can agree to disagree but as Studio Canal deliberately introduced a 4% pitch shift for the UK dvd's , which is where all these problems started , there is no reason to suspect the pitch shift is anything but 4% . I have the UK dvd's and Lionsgate Bluray side by side playing at the same time...
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    Avengers: Season 5 (Blu-ray) Available for Preorder

    I don't think there's any doubt at all that the Batman release will result in a replacement program . At the moment it's only one disc but has anyone watched every episode yet. Probably best to wait for The Avengers UK releases . Series 4 was scheduled for release around the same time as series...
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    Avengers: Season 5 (Blu-ray) Available for Preorder

    I can hear the pitch shift . I'm in the UK and have watched it with this audio for 50 years. The pitch shift is not short of PAL speedup , it is identical because this is what we in the UK know Studio Canal were doing 4 years ago when the masters were created. This isn't just some random error...
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    Avengers: Season 5 (Blu-ray) Available for Preorder

    The 5.1 sound does spoil things slightly but not enough to take away the beauty of the images. The credits don't look washed out . But I can understand those who don't like the pitching error on the sound but $20 and the improvement in video means its a worthwhile upgrade until a corrected...
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    Avengers: Season 5 (Blu-ray) Available for Preorder

    The one downside to the UK set ( although there's no better option elsewhere) is that Studio Canal refused the option to use the Vidfire process that has been used on all the vintage Dr Who episodes that only exist on film to return them from their filmic telerecording look to the original...
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    Avengers: Season 5 (Blu-ray) Available for Preorder

    I was referring to the guy who's buying the UK dvd's I don't recall saying that . I may have said that the Blurays are from the same source - that is the restored versions but the UK discs are dvd's and the US discs are Blurays . The HD images are as superior to the dvd's as you would expect...
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    Avengers: Season 5 (Blu-ray) Available for Preorder

    Seems odd to return the Bluray set with its incredible pictures just because the sound annoys you when the dvd set will have precisely the same sound pitch albeit in mono only. Avengers dvd cockups go back a long way since the French took charge of them. A year or two after A&E started...
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    Avengers: Season 5 (Blu-ray) Available for Preorder

    I am actually an acquaintance of one of the guys who spent hours putting together the bountiful bonus features of the UK Avengers dvd's and even he does not know what the problem is with Studio Canal.Since he finished the project he's had nothing good to say about them and is disappointed at how...
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    Avengers: Season 5 (Blu-ray) Available for Preorder

    That's your preference .Give me a superior picture and barely noticeable change in the sound anyday over NTSC - accurately ridiculed over the decades for its shoddy quality.You seem to forget that back when PAL was introduced in the UK apart from imports from the US and the very occasional...
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    Avengers: Season 5 (Blu-ray) Available for Preorder

    No more silly than saying you've been happy watching inferior pictures for decades . If you're not fussy about quality that's your issue -- I prefer quality and 100 lines extra improves quality. And its pretty logical that the the fact some buyers are willing to accept the flaws is down to the...
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    Avengers: Season 5 (Blu-ray) Available for Preorder

    As I said , the Studio Canal masters for season 6 have the same problem so there's no reason to expect new releases of dvd's to be correct anymore than there is a Bluray. One would hope that the disappearance of Bluray releases from Europe is because they've realised there is a problem and are...
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    Avengers: Season 5 (Blu-ray) Available for Preorder

    Slightly different pitch sound is not something you'd notice unless you have something to compare it with so it was a non issue for UK viewers. The same can be said for the inferior NTSC system - you never had PAL to compare but the 100 extra lines certainly made a difference and even today PAL...
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    Avengers: Season 5 (Blu-ray) Available for Preorder

    Because it was a small price to pay for the 20% superior picture quality that PAL offers over NTSC and the pitch issue only affects filmed material . Its only since the 90's that the UK switched from making shows primarily on tape. Yes , that's why I suggested it earlier as the pitch error...
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    Avengers: Season 5 (Blu-ray) Available for Preorder

    My Blurays don't arrive until tomorrow but what is clear is that the North American Blurays seem to be a huge improvement on video quality over the old dvd's despite having 8 episodes per disc. The older A&E dvd's were from the 1992 remasters and look dreadful in places so the video will be much...
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    Avengers: Season 5 (Blu-ray) Available for Preorder

    I'm not sure why you're still running round in circles about the problem . I explained about the SC problem on the original dvd's yesterday. The Blurays do not suffer from PAL speedup as the running times confirm. What has happened is that just like the first SC dvd's in the UK the audio has...
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    Avengers: Season 5 (Blu-ray) Available for Preorder

    If there is a problem with the audio then it may be possible they've sourced Studio Canals original faulty video masters . They are rather inept at SC so when they first released the restored episodes they attempted to adjust the audio pitch to make it sound right. Here in the UK as we have...