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  1. Bryan Ri

    Nintendo drops Wii U $50 due to poor sales

    I think the lack of a AAA release is what really bothers me. One great game a year really isn't enough to sustain a console. The games you mention look fun, but nothing that I would jump at immediately. These days I have a very finite amount of time for gaming, and if I have to choose between...
  2. Bryan Ri

    Nintendo drops Wii U $50 due to poor sales

    Their E3 presentation was awful. I have zero confidence that the new Zelda will actually make it to the WiiU. I'm very close to selling this system off...
  3. Bryan Ri

    Nintendo drops Wii U $50 due to poor sales

    I pulled the trigger last night. I got the Mario and Luigi bundle (came with two games) and then used my $50 gift card to do buy 2 get one free on Mario 3D, Windwaker HD, and Nintendo Land. It cost me roughly $360 for the system and 5 games. Not too bad.
  4. Bryan Ri

    Nintendo drops Wii U $50 due to poor sales

    Target has a couple of nice promotions going on: -Mario and Luigi games bundled for $299, plus a $50 gift card -buy 2 get 1 free on video games Is this worthy of pulling the trigger on?
  5. Bryan Ri

    Nintendo drops Wii U $50 due to poor sales

    That's one of the titles I would be interested in playing. It looks great, but there's a part of me that's thinking 'Why is Nintendo continuously going back to the side scrolling game?' At the end of the day if it's a good game, who cares? That's fair, and I suppose it's too early to pass too...
  6. Bryan Ri

    Nintendo drops Wii U $50 due to poor sales

    As a lifelong Nintendo guy (and video game enthusiast), I would love to get a Wii U- I just haven't found the games that I am dying to play for it. The Mario games look fun, but nothing drastically different from what was just on the Wii. Smash Bros looks fun, but again, not drastically...