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  1. Ejanss

    Why optical disc won't die anytime soon

    As many times as they solve the technological problems that the previous technology created. Which, by my count over the last 30 years, would be three: - VHS first brought us the concept of "Movies in the home", thus freeing us from the chain of waiting for a movie to be aired on TV--and then...
  2. Ejanss

    Why optical disc won't die anytime soon

    Okay, I've hinted, I've wisecracked, I've gadflied, I've metaphorized, and it doesn't seem to be penetrating. So now, I'll just drop all pretense of civilization, and come straight out and ask: WHAT THE HELL do gaming and music models have to do with movies? At all? Even on a fundamental...
  3. Ejanss

    Why optical disc won't die anytime soon

    You do, much hard space have ya GOT? However much you have, it'll never be enough. Pretty soon, you'll start cleaning things to make room, and then...looks like they weren't such permanent "keepers" after all, were they? Unless, of course, you start moving everything onto external...
  4. Ejanss

    Why optical disc won't die anytime soon

    Gee, nobody wants a DVD recorder anymore? That's a SHAME! :rolleyes: Think it has more to do with the product falling in between its needs for the marketplace: Once most computers had a DVD-R drive, digital cameras plugged directly into the computer, and all the disk editing/burningwas done...
  5. Ejanss

    Why optical disc won't die anytime soon

    Think it's more 60% Marketing hype/bragging rights (ie. "Our movie's so big, we've got a 5-disk, 3-disk AND a 2-disk release coming up already!"), and 40% an attempt to depend on that shortfall home-theater safety net. In the old days, a movie like The Internship or Lone Ranger might come out...
  6. Ejanss

    Why optical disc won't die anytime soon

    That's been the one almost medieval interest the studios have been trying to protect since the days VHS first appeared. (I say "medieval" in the same sense as monarchies being afraid of the public learning to read, or the Church forbidding peasants to learn Latin and read the Bible for...
  7. Ejanss

    Why optical disc won't die anytime soon

    The only people who are saying "Streaming is the FUTURE!" are those who don't do a lot of it. The only reason they are, is that they fear technology, as something mysterious they don't understand--just as they don't understand the people who use it--and are trying to "outwit" both by trying to...