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  1. Will Krupp

    Charade - 50th Anniversary Edition - Universal 2013 Blu ray release

    This is all very puzzling to me.... :(
  2. Will Krupp

    Charade - 50th Anniversary Edition - Universal 2013 Blu ray release

    So you/re saying I'm just crazy?
  3. Will Krupp

    Charade - 50th Anniversary Edition - Universal 2013 Blu ray release

    Whoa, wait a minute...this is SO weird! In your comparisons they look like the EXACT same transfer but I can assure you, after all the time I spent with these, that there was a marked shift in the color (away from pink) on the Universal disc when I watched it. I don't understand how we can have...
  4. Will Krupp

    Charade - 50th Anniversary Edition - Universal 2013 Blu ray release

    If you watch them side by side or back to back you'll see that they are CLOSE but not the exact same transfer but (I suspect) the same source. There are differences (mostly in color) but different people will get different mileage out of that. Let's just say they are both very good and you...
  5. Will Krupp

    Charade - 50th Anniversary Edition - Universal 2013 Blu ray release

    All right, smartypants....It's on its way!
  6. Will Krupp

    Charade - 50th Anniversary Edition - Universal 2013 Blu ray release

    Until you are at least willing to LOOK at the Universal disc though, I'm not sure your conclusion that the Criterion is automatically "better" holds any weight.
  7. Will Krupp

    Charade - 50th Anniversary Edition - Universal 2013 Blu ray release's so funny that the conclusion about the color the reviewer came to is the EXACT opposite of mine. Oh well, different strokes I guess. For my money I've been a little put out by what I see as the too pink skin tones of the Criterion since it came out so I counted this as a plus...
  8. Will Krupp

    Charade - 50th Anniversary Edition - Universal 2013 Blu ray release

    well since you've already made up your mind...
  9. Will Krupp

    Charade - 50th Anniversary Edition - Universal 2013 Blu ray release

    Hahah, Oh gosh I'm so sorry! I meant to come back here but I was more tired than I thought I was last night so I only got through the first 40 minutes. I don't have the capability to do a direct A to B so I was watching a chunk of one and then switching discs and watching a chunk of the other...
  10. Will Krupp

    Charade - 50th Anniversary Edition - Universal 2013 Blu ray release

    Well I bought it. I couldn't stand not knowing what it looks like and, for $12.99 I thought I'd take a chance (I still have the Criterion so I can always give this one away if it's less than...) I'm popping it in in a few minutes. Fingers crossed.....!
  11. Will Krupp

    Charade - 50th Anniversary Edition - Universal 2013 Blu ray release

    So, any news? Has ANYBODY seen this yet? I keep looking for reviews and I'm finding zilch (which is odd a full week after the release date) I'd love to know what this looks like. Anyone?