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  1. Josh Steinberg

    Is the b&w era of TV on DVD slowly coming to an end?

    I wouldn’t bet against that. CBS/Paramount has recently been putting out complete series Blu-rays for some catalog shows where they had the HD masters already. They do have the syndication edits for Lucy all in HD. I don’t think they’d go to the trouble of doing “night of broadcast”...
  2. Josh Steinberg

    Is the b&w era of TV on DVD slowly coming to an end?

    This is my version of wild speculation but here goes: I would not be shocked if a cable or streaming service like Starz/Encore Westerns made an offer to license the show for their platform and contributed financially towards the remastering, which incentivized Warner to move it off the back...
  3. Josh Steinberg

    Is the b&w era of TV on DVD slowly coming to an end?

    Warner Archive just posted this announcement on their social media and I immediately thought of this thread. COMING TO BLU-RAY FROM THE WARNER ARCHIVE COLLECTION ON MARCH 12th COLT .45 (1957-1960) THE COMPLETE SERIES. A TEN-DISC, 67-EPISODE SET. Set in the American West of the 1870s, Colt .45...
  4. Josh Steinberg

    Is the b&w era of TV on DVD slowly coming to an end?

    Things must be bad because I hear even Ozzie is going color :D
  5. Josh Steinberg

    Is the b&w era of TV on DVD slowly coming to an end?

    Apropos of nothing, I just found out a local performing arts theater is launching a series where they’ll do a radio-style play in front of a live audience - they’re commissioning original works and planning to put on a show like you would have seen had you been in the studio audience for a live...
  6. Josh Steinberg

    Is the b&w era of TV on DVD slowly coming to an end?

    The exact same thing happened to me with my order of Our Miss Brooks four years ago - ordered volume 1, got volume 2 in the wrong case.
  7. Josh Steinberg

    Is the b&w era of TV on DVD slowly coming to an end?

    A lot of my discs are either in storage or being packed for a move, so I can’t look over at my shelf and give an estimate of the percentage or ratio of B&W to color, though now I’m very curious what the answer would be. But I can say that when it comes to TV shows I own on disc that are in...
  8. Josh Steinberg

    Is the b&w era of TV on DVD slowly coming to an end?

    Physical media and streaming releases of programming from WGBH Boston, one of the top producers of programming for the PBS network, along with licensed educational and lifestyle content. New and vintage material. Ken Burns documentaries, NOVA, American Experience, Masterpiece Theatre, Zoom...
  9. Josh Steinberg

    Is the b&w era of TV on DVD slowly coming to an end?

    Your post here is making me very nostalgic for a job I had nearly two decades ago (gasp!) working on DVD releases for more obscure and limited market titles. What I was doing then is sort of the same idea as what ClassicFlix is going for now, and given the extreme niche value of many of the...
  10. Josh Steinberg

    Is the b&w era of TV on DVD slowly coming to an end?

    He’s asking if the DVD version would be authored as a 4x3 disc, or if it would be a 1.33:1 frame pillarboxed within a 16x9 container.
  11. Josh Steinberg

    Is the b&w era of TV on DVD slowly coming to an end?

    Don’t know if it counts as new release per se but ClassicFlix is upgrading Blondie to BD.
  12. Josh Steinberg

    Is the b&w era of TV on DVD slowly coming to an end?

    I would guess that this release is part of the same MPI-TimeLife partnership that also brought us the Ozzie & Harriet best of set and various Jackie Gleason sets. It’s probably a good deal for both entities. TimeLife has a pretty good direct to consumer business at a time when that’s a difficult...
  13. Josh Steinberg

    Is the b&w era of TV on DVD slowly coming to an end?

    I probably wouldn’t upgrade M*A*S*H if there was a Blu-ray because I’m not a fan of the widescreen crop that Fox did when they remastered it in HD. It also seems as though they only remastered the version of the audio with the laugh track, and I prefer the “no laugh track” option that originally...
  14. Josh Steinberg

    Is the b&w era of TV on DVD slowly coming to an end?

    I’m so glad you like those! I’m so very proud of the ones I was involved with. One of my very favorite projects that I’ve ever been a part of. If you do want to see the nearly complete run PBS has available, you can subscribe to the PBS Living channel on Amazon Prime and/or AppleTV. I think...
  15. Josh Steinberg

    Is the b&w era of TV on DVD slowly coming to an end?

    I find myself much in the same boat. I’ve run out of space, now that I have kids there’s less disposable income, and I’ve kinda just run out of mental bandwidth to be trying out as many things as I used to. It’s not a black and white show but I have a recent example in my change of thinking. I...
  16. Josh Steinberg

    Is the b&w era of TV on DVD slowly coming to an end?

    This isn’t a standalone release as far as I know, but I wanted to mention that after enjoying the movie version of 12 Angry Men over the weekend, last night I decided to watch for the first time the original live television broadcast that was included as a bonus feature on the Criterion disc...
  17. Josh Steinberg

    Is the b&w era of TV on DVD slowly coming to an end?

    It’s probably tight but it’s also black and white 4x3 programming with mono audio, which takes up less space than color/widescreen/stereo. And then the other thing is that there’s just such a limited market for this kind of material (unfortunately) that they just need to stay within a budget...
  18. Josh Steinberg

    Is the b&w era of TV on DVD slowly coming to an end?

    Oh man, that bumper brings me back.
  19. Josh Steinberg

    Is the b&w era of TV on DVD slowly coming to an end?

    Not necessarily. Different people use Kickstarter at different stages of development. There are some content producers who use Kickstarter to fund the whole project from the beginning and others that use it more for finishing funds, almost like a preorder that helps both sides - the content...
  20. Josh Steinberg

    Is the b&w era of TV on DVD slowly coming to an end?

    I’m disappointed that it appears these types of releases may be coming to an end. On the other hand, I can’t believe how much we’ve gotten over the last couple decades. I think I’ll run out of years to live before I run out of shows to sample.
  21. Josh Steinberg

    Is the b&w era of TV on DVD slowly coming to an end?

    Given that CBS/Paramount just announced the complete Mission Impossible on Blu-ray when their M.O. recently has been to skip BD and in general has been to do individual seasons first, I’m cautiously optimistic that they’re reevaluating their product configurations and perhaps not exiting the...