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  1. Gary OS

    Roy Rogers in TruColor and Uncut

    Would dearly love to see Stormy released. Have been wanting to see this one cleaned up for a long, long time. Gary "Happy New Year" O.
  2. Gary OS

    Roy Rogers in TruColor and Uncut

    :rolling-smiley::rolling-smiley::rolling-smiley: Best line I've read here in quite some time, Bert.
  3. Gary OS

    Roy Rogers in TruColor and Uncut

    Fantastic Pics! Love them all. No disrespect to Roy or any of the other cowboy legends we discuss here. Thanks so much. Bob! Gary “love this thread” O.
  4. Gary OS

    Roy Rogers in TruColor and Uncut

    Bob, thanks for al, the stills from one of my all-time favorite westerns, Rocky Mountain. Gary “sure wish WB would release this film in Blu” O.
  5. Gary OS

    Roy Rogers in TruColor and Uncut

    Just for clarification, when I was a kid watching these films in the 70's on small TVs the artificiality didn't bother me. But today, with large high-def sets and Blu rays, those things really stand out like a sore thumb. I can push through it, especially if it's a B film where I know the...
  6. Gary OS

    Roy Rogers in TruColor and Uncut

    Of course I do, Bob. And I do understand why the studios often resorted to soundstages and rear screen projections at different times. Thankfully Roy’s films were not dominated by those, but I’m certainly forgiving when they did utilize them. :) Gary “but I’ll never prefer those elements...
  7. Gary OS

    Roy Rogers in TruColor and Uncut

    Bert, you explained perfectly why I usually much prefer Paramount, Fox or Universal films to the MGM stuff. It's all about location work and not feeling the artificiality of the soundstage experience. When I watch a western, comedy or even a drama I want to enjoy the feel of the actual...
  8. Gary OS

    Roy Rogers in TruColor and Uncut

    I'm 100% with you here, Bob. Frances is my fave as well. Lovely woman with a very sweet personality! Gary "and yes, Bert (aka 'Mr Smith') is one lucky fella to have met so many of these wonderful stars of yesteryear" O.
  9. Gary OS

    Roy Rogers in TruColor and Uncut

    Awesome pic, Randall. Thanks so much for sharing it.
  10. Gary OS

    Roy Rogers in TruColor and Uncut

    Thanks, Bob! I really appreciate it!
  11. Gary OS

    Roy Rogers in TruColor and Uncut

    Bob, could I ask you a favor? Is there any way you could list (in a single post) all the Roy Rogers films that are available on dvd and which sources have the best prints and/or are the most complete? I'm in the process of upgrading my Roy Rogers film library (which isn't very large) and would...
  12. Gary OS

    Roy Rogers in TruColor and Uncut

    Thanks, Bob! Great pics for Christmas!!
  13. Gary OS

    Roy Rogers in TruColor and Uncut

    Bob, I just wanted to say, “Thank you” for all the fantastic work you do with this thread. I love Roy Rogers films, and these posts are great fun to read. Gar “have a Merry Christmas, Bob” O.
  14. Gary OS

    Roy Rogers in TruColor and Uncut

    A fantastic Christmas western! Hope the print is solid. Gary “TCM has a decent Christmas schedule this year” O.