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  1. Richard--W

    Criterion Blu-ray titles!

    October 18: Why wait?
  2. Richard--W

    Criterion Blu-ray titles!

    If Criterion plans to release THE GOOD THE BAD AND THE UGLY (1966) I hope they will include a new hi-def transfer of the superior 161-minute theatrical version which I saw many times. But how likely is that, with MGM/Fox's blu-ray still being sold for about $10 everywhere you look.
  3. Richard--W

    Criterion Blu-ray titles!

    So would I, And Then There Were None. But there are a number of Rene Clair films that I'd like to get that haven't had a release.
  4. Richard--W

    Criterion Blu-ray titles!

    How about that. It's been rumored Criterion was going to release I MARRIED A WITCH (1942) for over a decade and now, suddenly, here it is. A charming and endearing film. A definite purchase. Unless the sketch refers to Nicholas Roeg's THE WITCHES (1990) in which case I'll still buy it.
  5. Richard--W

    Criterion Blu-ray titles!

    My confidence in Criterion transfers is such that I'll click Buy It Now the day JUBAL and 3:10 TO YUMA go up for pre-order. They are both great American films as well as superb westerns. Besides I want to encourage Criterion to dig further into the genre.
  6. Richard--W

    Criterion Blu-ray titles!

    I've never been able to sustain disbelief in Midnight Cowboy. The very premise of the thing is not believable. I don't understand what people see in the story. But we all have films we can't connect with. I agree The Wild Bunch deserved the award, but there were other important westerns that...
  7. Richard--W

    Criterion Blu-ray titles!

    WILD STRAWBERRIES and THE VIRGIN SPRING are more accessible than THE SEVENTH SEAL. I wish Criterion would give attention to Bergman's baroque and surreal comedy of manners För att inte tala om alla dessa kvinnor AKA Now About All These Women (1964). Tartan released a perfectly acceptable...
  8. Richard--W

    Criterion Blu-ray titles!

    I was hoping for CITY LIGHTS. Not interested in MONSIEUR VERDOUX. I'm content with the DVD on that one.
  9. Richard--W

    Criterion Blu-ray titles!

    Koyaanisqatsi left quite an impression when I saw it in a theater. Now I'll catch up with the other films in the trilogy. My most wanted Chaplin film on Blu-ray is ... City Lights (1931). I wonder if Criterion has plans for it.
  10. Richard--W

    Criterion Blu-ray titles!

    Alambrista! (1977) is an exceptional drama about an illegal immigrant. An independent film that is genuinely independent in how it was financed, made, and in its thinking. However, I wish Criterion had considered Robert M. Young's next film The Ballad of Gregorio Cortez (1982). Young applies his...