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  1. J. Casey

    Criterion Blu-ray titles!

    Great news about Alexanderplatz! I was contemplating the Region B release, thinking that a Criterion blu ray release wouldn't be in the offing.
  2. J. Casey

    Criterion Blu-ray titles!

    Brandon: Sounds promising!
  3. J. Casey

    Criterion Blu-ray titles!

    Finally! Heaven Can Wait! Being a problematic Fox Technicolor title, I'm not holding my breath for a miracle, but the upgrade to HD will be worth it anyway. More Lubitsch is never a bad thing!
  4. J. Casey

    Criterion Blu-ray titles!

    I agree, Mike, the Japanese blu of STRAIGHT STORY is excellent. I actually gave up on Region A releases of Lynch films years ago and collected the international discs (mostly UK editions). Even though I'm obviously a fan, David Lynch isn't everyone's cup of tea. I think he's more appreciated...
  5. J. Casey

    Criterion Blu-ray titles!

    LOST HIGHWAY used to be with Focus via Universal for the DVD. Both Shout! and Criterion have deals with Universal, so we may eventually see it released to Region A blu, unless the rights have changed hands. I'd rather see it from Criterion, but have to say that Shout! did a good job with...
  6. J. Casey

    Criterion Blu-ray titles!

    Since Lynch has already partnered with Criterion (ERASERHEAD, MULHOLLAND DRIVE) and since the TP box set contains such extensive extras already......I'm hopeful that even more extensive supplements will be included on the Criterion. Perhaps feature-length documentaries such as LYNCH (ONE) or...
  7. J. Casey

    Criterion Blu-ray titles!

    Oh, God, I didn't know that. You're right....we'll never see those on Region A blu.
  8. J. Casey

    Criterion Blu-ray titles!

    Glad THE LODGER is being released by Criterion, but I was hoping that MURDER or BLACKMAIL would be next.