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  1. Daryl L

    Doctor Who: The Runaway Bride

    No clue. :)
  2. Daryl L

    Doctor Who: The Runaway Bride

    I've never heard of Billie Piper until Doctor Who but looking Here she appears to be very popular over seas. Says her leaving was planned the previous year.
  3. Daryl L

    Doctor Who: The Runaway Bride

    I kinda liked Freema Agyeman. She may not be a Rose Tyler but I think she'll be a good companion. I just really liked Billie Piper.
  4. Daryl L

    Doctor Who: The Runaway Bride

    Thx Mathew. After thinking lastnight I remebered her. :)
  5. Daryl L

    Doctor Who: The Runaway Bride

    Hmmmmm, don't remember her. I'm in the US and don't have BBC3, just BBC America and it's airing "The Unquiet Dead" (an episode I really enjoyed) tonight from Season 1 (refered to as series 1 across the pond).
  6. Daryl L

    Doctor Who: The Runaway Bride

    Is that the woman that was in charge at Torchwood? I wasn't to partial to her. :frowning: I want Billy Piper back. :frowning:
  7. Daryl L

    Doctor Who: The Runaway Bride

    I shall miss Rose Tyler deeply. :frowning: