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  1. Jesse Blacklow

    Who WOULDN'T pick Blu-Ray???

    I'm sorry that Shawn, me, and most people's definition of early adopter as it applies to HDTV doesn't fit into your narrow definition that changes with each rebuttal. We'll all try harder to be wrong next time.
  2. Jesse Blacklow

    Who WOULDN'T pick Blu-Ray???

    Who said early adopters are at the forefront of everything? We're talking about HD tech here. By your rationale, early adopters would also be into cryogenics, biomechanical implants, and eating only engineered foods. A lot of early adopters are big on a couple things, but aren't obsessed with...
  3. Jesse Blacklow

    Who WOULDN'T pick Blu-Ray???

    Here's a definition from an IT encyclopedia (emphasis mine): If you were an early consumer of HDTVs but resisted the urge to upgrade, you're no longer an early adopter. Using the Rogers model above would put most of us in the "early majority" camp. Early adopters had an analog tube TV, then a...
  4. Jesse Blacklow

    Who WOULDN'T pick Blu-Ray???

    Wouldn't early adopters have adopted DVI, HDMI, etc. early as well? It's a term that applies to people who are continually aquiring new technology, not those that adopt once and complain about how they were screwed over.
  5. Jesse Blacklow

    Who WOULDN'T pick Blu-Ray???

    From the Toshiba press release: How is offering incorrect information and telling people to talk to someone else over the phone for details "delivering the product information [their] customers want"? We're hearing that they're actually refuting HD DVD's 1080p capability. So in effect, they're...
  6. Jesse Blacklow

    Who WOULDN'T pick Blu-Ray???

    The thing is, all evidence points to them being exactly that stupid. At this point 3 Microsoft execs/reps (Bill Gates, Peter Moore, and Amir Majidimehr) have stated that their desire for an end to physical media, and that this next generation will be the last gasp. Studios and distributors are...