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  1. Rob Gardiner

    Unusual request for fans of Gaiman's SANDMAN - DREAM HUNTERS

    Thanks for your help, Chris! If there is any way I can make it up to you, let me know. Any time you are in Seattle, I would be happy to take you out for sushi. I agree, Sandman Vol. 4 SEASON OF MISTS is the finest story in the saga. There are so many great individual issues as well: #1 is...
  2. Rob Gardiner

    Unusual request for fans of Gaiman's SANDMAN - DREAM HUNTERS

    Hello everybody, I have started collecting comics again after an 8 year absence from the hobby. I've been catching up on new works by my favorite creators, including SANDMAN spin-offs that were released after the monthly series concluded. A couple months ago, I bought a used copy of...