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  1. Mark Maltais

    Burt Reynolds Slaps Reporter

    I stand corrected :) BUT... I've charged hundreds of people with various assaults and in a CRIMINAL charge we don't have battery. Now in a CIVIL law suit, yes it could be worded as battery for a civil tort litigation but as far as a criminal charges we fall on the three levels of assault...
  2. Mark Maltais

    Burt Reynolds Slaps Reporter

    We don't have "battery" here in Canada :) We have assault (level 1), assault cause bodily harm (level 2) and aggravated assault (level 3) Level 1 would be a slap (no injury) Level 2 would be a black eye or other "transient" injury Level 3 would be a stab or broken limb (something "less"...
  3. Mark Maltais

    Burt Reynolds Slaps Reporter

    Don't know about the states but here in Canada Section 265 of the Criminal code states... A person commits assault when a) without the consent of the other person, he applies force intentionally to the other person, directly or indirectly; b)he attempts or threatens, by an act or gesture...
  4. Mark Maltais

    Burt Reynolds Slaps Reporter

    He seemed pissed off when he slapped him, and every joke slap I ever got was a lot less firm than that...if someone mouthed off to me like that, then slapped me in such a condescending way the fight would be on and he'd be getting decked!! No matter which way you look at it, it's assault. If...