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  1. Lewis Besze

    New 'secrets' benchmark up!

    Yep, that explaines alot! ;)
  2. Lewis Besze

    New 'secrets' benchmark up!

    You might change your mind if you have lived with a player like the Denon 2900 for awhile, which completelly eliminates it.It wasn't on a top of my list,but now I'm sure would have a hard time to go back to the usuall 1-2 second pause.
  3. Lewis Besze

    New 'secrets' benchmark up!

    It seems that you thought I was "knocking" you,not at all,but whatever...........:rolleyes
  4. Lewis Besze

    New 'secrets' benchmark up!

    I think what James is trying tell you that, Secrets focuses on some issues that many people don't or can't,based on their other equipments,and "expertise".It's not that isn't useful,it just maybe not on the top their priority list.