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  1. Brian L

    Anyone using the analog outs on their Uni-player for redbook playback?

    Well, with my curiosity peaked, I tested my Pio 45a with a red book CD (Virgil Fox, a freebie from HSU loaded with Bach Organ music, and lots of low bass). For the test, the ICBM was set to Bypass (its connected between the pre out/power amp in of my receiver, so its normally doing BM for...
  2. Brian L

    Anyone using the analog outs on their Uni-player for redbook playback?

    I can easily check my Pio, but not the Denon; it's used only as a Video machine. And the Pio is currently set for all large/sub on (I am an ICBM guy) but thats easily bypassed. Sure would be nice if the manufacturers would throw us a bone, and make it clear in the manuals. Reading a bad...
  3. Brian L

    Anyone using the analog outs on their Uni-player for redbook playback?

    Looking at a photo of the back of the 2900 at Crutchfields, it shows what appear to be two pairs of Front Outputs, labeled FR1, FR2, FL1, FL2. Are they simply duplicates of the L/R MC pair or are they straight, regardless of whether or not you have BM and TA engaged? I took a quick look in...
  4. Brian L

    Anyone using the analog outs on their Uni-player for redbook playback?

    Well, I think that may be a bit of a generalization. I own two, a Pio 45a and a Denon 1600. Both have a seperate stereo pair. But I have not seen EVERY player out there, so perhaps I got lucky and bought the only two? And again, he doesn't have the capability, so no matter. BGL
  5. Brian L

    Anyone using the analog outs on their Uni-player for redbook playback?

    Humm...perhaps that why I said to use the L/R stereo pair and NOT the L/R from the MC out? Or did you miss that part? But no matter, the player lacks that feature, so its all irrelevant. John, no sweat. Kind of surprised that the 2900 lacks a seperate stereo pair, but as I said toward the...
  6. Brian L

    Anyone using the analog outs on their Uni-player for redbook playback?

    Well, there may or may not be. I don't know your player, so I can't comment. It would seem logical to me that if you are using the L/R pair of the 6CH out that BM would be applied, but I can say that with many uni-players and BM, logic has NOTHING to do with it:D I guess if you wanted to do...
  7. Brian L

    Anyone using the analog outs on their Uni-player for redbook playback?

    You are talking 2CH redbook here, right? If so, wouldn't your receiver take care of BM whether it gets a digital or analog signal? I know that mine (a NAD 762) does. And I would not automatically assume that the player is able to do BM in the analog domain. It is even money that it does it...